The woman in front of her stood. ‘I’m Nessa Coughlan, office manager. Julian isn’t here.’
‘When did you last see him?’
‘I believe he arrived Monday morning.’
‘Was he here all day Monday?’
The woman shrugged. ‘I wouldn’t know. Most of us were snowbound.’
‘Who was here?’
All shook their heads.
‘He was here alone? How did he gain access to the office?’
The woman pointed to an empty desk. ‘Connie was in. But she’s off for the rest of the week. I can give her a call.’ She lifted the phone and paused. ‘What do you want with Julian?’
‘I’ll take Connie’s contact details, please.’
‘I’m not sure I can do that.’
‘I can get a warrant, but this is a murder investigation and it would really hold things up if I had to spend time on paperwork and then find a judge to sign it.’
‘Murder? You mean those two little girls? No way had Julian anything to do with that. He works to protect children, not kill them.’
‘Connie’s number, please?’
The woman scribbled on a yellow Post-it note and handed it over.
‘Does Julian often work from here?’
‘Now and again. He has an interest in the Kiernan family. He believes the children are at risk. He claims that’s why the mother moved to Ragmullin after her husband was jailed. Julian’s supervisor allows him access to this office from time to time.’
‘Shouldn’t the case be handed over to another care worker, seeing as Julian brought a court action against Isaac Kiernan?’
‘The agency brought the action on his behalf. But yes, I do think it’s unusual. We are short-staffed, however, and can’t have eyes on every vulnerable child. I wasn’t about to object to having another pair of hands on deck.’
‘Was he in yesterday or today?’
‘I’m only back today, and he hasn’t appeared yet.’ Nessa turned to her colleagues. A series of shoulder shrugs greeted her.
‘Do you have a clock-in system?’
‘No. Our hours are irregular. Nature of our business means we’re not strictly nine-to-five.’
‘Do you have CCTV?’
‘Sorry, no. This is a temporary office. Still waiting for the new one to be built.’
Lottie glanced around. ‘Where does Julian stay when he’s in town?’
‘I think he mentioned the Brook Hotel at one stage, but I could be wrong.’
‘Call me if he turns up here. I need to speak to him urgently.’ She handed over her card.