‘She was the same as usual. Quiet. Sullen is the word I think you’d use.’
‘Look, Detective, she was a little girl with a troubled home life. She was not all singing and dancing, more wary-looking. She always had this glaze in her eye… pure sadness. I think you need to look nearer home to find out what happened to her.’
‘We will follow every avenue available to us.’
‘Her father is in prison. I suppose you know that already. Now if ever there was an avenue to explore, that’s one on a silver platter for you.’
Lottie was taken aback by the assertiveness that had crept into his voice. Was he trying to deflect them? He could feck right off.
‘Do you have anything to do with the children’s choir?’
‘The choir is Keith’s responsibility.’
‘In this day and age, isn’t it a bit unusual that a priest is allowed access to eight-year-old children?’
‘Betty is usually there and I believe their parents sign a consent form, and we are garda vetted,’ he said, and Lottie could smell his body odour wafting towards her as he fidgeted on the chair. ‘Keith Maguire is a good man, Inspector. Don’t try to tarnish his name and make this all about him.’ His tone had turned confrontational.
‘I follow where the evidence leads me. I’d appreciate you calling to the station for a formal interview and to provide us with fingerprints and a sample of your DNA.’ Lottie rose briskly and nodded for Boyd to follow. ‘Thank you for your time, Father. We’ll be in touch.’
Lottie knew she’d have to hand over the key to the robe closet to SOCOs, but she needed to see for herself.
She opened her phone and scanned the list of names that Father Maguire had just emailed her. Fifteen children were listed in the choir. And she counted fifteen robes hanging in the closet. It was possible there were more than the required number, but as she studied the robes, she was certain Naomi had not been dressed in one. This did nothing to dislodge the fear stuck in her throat like a half-swallowed plum. Willow Devine was still missing.
She stepped back outside and scanned the guards and SOCOs as they worked their way around the cathedral grounds, churning the snow into muck. Nothing and no one had yet been found.
‘One dead child is one too many, Boyd. We need to find Willow.’
‘I’d like to talk with her mother. She must be distraught, and I know what it’s like now with Sergio missing.’
‘Go ahead. Bring Maria Lynch with you. She’s a trained FLO. Zara Devine asked Garda Brennan to stay with her last night, so she must be feeling vulnerable.’
‘I’ll check in with the team to see what they’ve unearthed about Isaac Kiernan. And then I’ll have to talk to Ruth again.’
McKeown had his head buried in his computer, scanning security footage. Kirby was on the phone. Most of the uniformed guards were out searching for Willow, or were involved in the fingertip search of the cathedral and its grounds. In her office, Lottie shrugged out of her outerwear and watched Kirby hang up the phone.
‘Boss, Martina told me what she found out about Isaac Kiernan, and I’ve just spoken with Julian Bradley, the social worker he attacked. Bradley is in the Child and Family Agency and says the Kiernans were being monitored by him. It followed a complaint made by a hospital consultant when Naomi was brought in with a broken wrist. The family were reported because of a myriad of bruises on the child and other historical issues. Isaac did not take kindly to a social worker turning up at the house.’
‘So he attacked him?’ Lottie said. ‘Sounds like he has a mean temper.’
‘Could it be a link to his daughter’s murder?’
‘Everything is on the table at this stage,’ Lottie sighed.
‘Well, Isaac is in prison. He couldn’t have harmed her.’
‘I know, but it’s something, and it’s better than nothing.’
As Kirby retreated to his desk, Lottie couldn’t help noticing the change in him since his relationship with Amy began. There was a pep in his step, his clothes were neater, though not always cleaner, and his vocabulary was improving. She admired his tenacity. Then her thoughts turned to the investigation and all the uncertainty surrounding it.
One thing was certain, Ruth Kiernan had to identify the body of her daughter. Lottie would bring Garda Brennan with her for moral support.
Ruth looked wild and unkempt. Her plait was undone and her hair hung long and loose around her shoulders, dipping well below her waist. There was no sign of the children.