Page 53 of Feels Like Home

With a fierce yowl, Ian leapt at the coyote, his claws slashing through the air. Nolan nimbly dodged his attack, but Ian was relentless. He pursued the coyote, his powerful muscles propelling him with ease.

Nolan tried to latch onto Ian’s leg again. Not happening. Jace needed him. This fight had to end now. Using his massive form, Ian steamrolled over the coyote, causing Nolan to flip several times. Before the coyote could gain his bearings, Ian sank his teeth into flesh, whipping his head from side to side until the coyote collapsed.

The son of a bitch was dead, throat shredded.

As Ian sprinted toward the closet, he shifted. He yanked the door so hard he heard wood splinter under his palm. If Owen put a single bruise on Jace…

Ian came to a hard stop as his brows shot up. Owen was on his knees, his arms protecting his head. Jace had a thick plank of wood from the broken shelves and was swinging it viciously. “You’re nothing but a bully, you slimy toad! I hate you!”

Owen dropped to his back and kicked upward, his foot connecting with the arm that held the plank of wood. Jace shouted in pain, dropping his weapon. Owen shot to his feet, his hands flying toward Jace.

Those hands never reached him.

Pure, unadulterated rage propelled Ian forward. He grabbed the back of Owen’s shirt collar and yanked him away from Jace. The human fought to get free, twisting and turning wildly as Ian dragged him out of the closet.

“Don’t come out until I tell you to,” he said to Jace over his shoulder. His mate had been through too much already, traumatized by the entire situation. Damn if Ian was going to add to Jace’s distress by killing Owen in front of him.

As soon as they cleared the door, Ian slammed it shut. “You wanted to see how pathetic I am.” He let Owen go then kicked him toward Nolan’s dead body. “You broke into my home. You threatened my mate.” Ian rolled his shoulders as Owen tripped over his own feet and crashed to the floor.

“You killed Nolan!” Sweat beaded Owen’s brows. His face was flushed, his breathing labored. Swaying, he rose to his knees. “What the hell are you?”

Ian dropped to one knee, glaring murderously into Owen’s eyes. “The biggest and deadliest cat in this house.”

Claws sliding free, Ian plunged his hand into Owen’s chest, yanking out his beating heart. There was no pleasure in killing. It was a means to an end. Nolan and Owen had sealed their fates the moment they’d entered Ian’s home.

The moment Jace’s life had been threatened.

In one of Owen’s pockets was the cell phone jammer. Once it was turned off, Ian cleaned his hands in the bathroom sink, washing away the blood.

Next, he covered the bodies with a sheet. Jace didn’t need to see the carnage. From the moment they’d met, his mate’s innocence had captured Ian. For as long as he could, Ian wanted to protect Jace’s naivete.

It was too precious to tarnish.

“Ian?” Jace’s voice sounded small as he called out from behind the closet door. “Is it safe to come out now?”

Grabbing his phone off the bed, Ian walked to the closet and stepped inside. “Let me get dressed.”

“I want to know, but I don’t want to know.” Jace glanced past him but was unable to see the bedroom since the door was shut.

After getting dressed, Ian took his mate’s hand. “We’re going into the living room. I’m going to call the sheriff then clean up the mess they left behind.”

Ian opened the door, put a hand over Jace’s eyes, and led him out. He didn’t let go until they were by the overturned couch.

“Cleaning up will be the easy part.” He stared up at Ian from under his thick lashes. “There’re a lot of scratches on your floor. We’ll need more than a soapy mop to fix them.”

He stepped closer to Jace, those hazel eyes fixed on him. There was so much trust in them. Trust that Ian would always keep him safe. “The only thing I care about is that you’re unscathed, kitten.”

“My arms hurt from whacking Owen with that heavy piece of wood.” He rubbed his upper arm, but it seemed more as a soothing gesture than to ease any physical pain.

“You were incredible.” Ian skimmed his knuckles over his mate’s cheek. “You were terrified, yet you defended yourself.”

“I wasn’t terrified. Not entirely,” Jace said, his jaw firmly clenched. “I was furious as hell. I wanted him to pay for being the world’s biggest asshole and for coming after me.”

Ian flipped the couch back over then grabbed the cushions and put them back in place. “I might have to spend a few nights at your house until my bedroom is back in order.”

“Thank you.” Jace grabbed Ian’s hand when Ian tried to walk to the kitchen. “I was scared the whole time they were in the house, but your presence…” He shrugged. “Somehow I knew we were going to be okay.” Then he grinned. “I may or may not have panicked a teeny-tiny bit.”

“Your secret is safe with me.”