"So you're saying that you're a dom and you don't want me because you think I talk too much?" Her hands are on her hips now.
"I'm saying that I'm not a dom. I don't know why on Earth you think I am. I'm saying that if I was a dom, you would not be the partner I would want as a sub. I don't think you'd make a good sub." I pause for a few moments. "But considering that I don't think you'll make a great assistant either, maybe I am not thinking with my head today, anyway." I smirk. “At least not the right one.”
She licks her lips nervously. "Okay. So you're not going to offer me a million dollars to sleep with you or anything?" She giggles slightly at my shocked look. "I take it you don't read any kinky romance books.”
“I don't read kinky or non-kinky romance books, and no, I'm not going to offer you a million dollars to sleep with you." I take a couple of steps forward and look down at her face. "And you know why?"
"Why?" she says, blinking up at me. "Don't tell me. You're not attracted to me."
"No, I think you're very attractive, Miss Haversham." I smirk as she blushes.
"Then why?"
"Because I don't think I'd have to give you even one dollar to sleep with me," I say softly.
Her jaw drops and her eyes widen. I can see her pulse beating quickly in her throat. She licks her lips nervously and I lean down and blow in her ear.
"Or are you saying that your panties aren't extremely wet right now?"
I hear her sharp intake of breath as she glances up at me.
"What did you just say to me?"
"Well, I could repeat it, but I think we both know what I just said. I'm not going to offer you a million dollars for kinky sex. I'm not going to give you a contract saying that you'll be my sub and I'll be your dom. I have no plans to bend you over my desk and spank you or whatever happens in those romance books that you read. But if you want to fantasize about me and everything that I could do to you, go ahead. I'm sure you don't really need my permission."
"I'm not interested in you whatsoever, and I certainly would not fantasize about you. I told you I have a boyfriend," she says, blinking quickly. Her face is bright red now. "And he would not like the nature of this conversation."
"But he'd like you to take a million dollars for sleeping with me?".
"I never said I would take the million dollars. I was just wondering if you were going to offer me a million dollars."
"I'm not offering you anything, sweetheart. And we both know that if I did, you would definitely be taking it."
"You really think so?" She shakes her head vehemently. "You must be out of your mind because?—"
"Because what? You don't find me attractive?"
I place my finger at the side of her face and run it along her jawline toward her lips. My thumb brushes her lower lip for two seconds before I push it into her mouth. She sucks it gently for a couple of seconds, then I pull it out and suck it myself, my eyes never leaving hers.
Then I step back and lick my lips as I lightly run my fingers down the side of her body. Her entire body is shaking, but as much as I want her, I’m not going to play the game. My phone is vibrating in my pocket and I know it’s business related. I’ve spent too much time allowing Lila to engage me with inane conversation and I need to be focused on work.
"Are you going to go and get my coffee and bagel now? I don't want to give your boyfriend any more reasons to be nervous about you working for me." I smirk as I lick my lips and she blushes a deep red, probably feeling guilty that her panties are wet for another man. Because I can almost bet that she's drenched. I mean, I'm harder than I've been in months, so I know she has to be at least as affected as I am.
She blinks at me for a couple of seconds. I can tell she's in shock. I can tell she's probably wondering if she should even come back to the office. I grab my wallet and pull out a fifty dollar bill and hand it to her. "Feel free to get whatever you want as well and you can keep the change."
She nods without saying anything and heads toward the door. "Oh, and Lila," I call out after her.
She pauses and looks back at me. She still looks absolutely stunned. "Yes, Mr.," she mumbles. "Um."
"Don't tell me you forgot my name already."
"Of course not. You're Mr..." She looks frazzled.
"Spector," I remind her.
"Yes. Max Spector. I will go and get your coffee and your bagel right now." She stares at me for a couple of seconds and I can see she is completely dazed. "Were you going to say something else, Mr. Spector?"
“Ocean or faucet?” I ask her, and she frowns, not understanding my question. I decide not to push it and instead turn around. The morning has already reached the pinnacle of inappropriateness and I need to stop.