“I’m Max Spector, named partner of Chase, Parker & Spector. The law firm you’re trying to get a job at.” I look down at my Rolex. “And I have a meeting in thirty minutes I need to get ready for. You can follow me up in the elevator and I’ll show you to HR.” I head toward the elevators. “Also, if I were you, I would only apply for assistant positions. Paralegals don’t win settlements and they sure as hell are not threatening to bring lawsuits...unless you are filing pro se.”

She looks confused and I sigh loudly, wondering why I’m allowing this lady to distract me from my day. She has no business applying to work at a law firm. Especially not my law firm. There is no way I'm going to make her my new assistant.

“Unless you decide to bring the lawsuit for yourself,” I clarify.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that,” the blonde shoots back as the two women follow me to the elevator. “I’m only looking to be a part-time assistant so I can still continue to audition for roles.” I wonder if she realizes she’s not making herself sound like an ideal candidate.

“Sounds like you’re our ideal candidate,” I say with a straight face as we walk into the elevator. “Who doesn’t love an employee that only cares about the job between auditions? I mean, imagine if you make it big, you can help promote the firm.”

“What?” The blonde blinks at me suspiciously and presses her lips together. “I’ll have you know that I’m a consummate professional.”

“Oh, I don’t doubt it.” My phone beeps and I pull it out. It’s from my former employee telling me she forgot to send me a memo about discovery on a multi-million dollar case. “If you hadn’t quit, I would have fired you.” I mutter under my breath. I am absolutely fed up with everything right now.

“Everything okay?” The blonde steps forward and lightly touches my shoulder. I glance into her wide, clear blue eyes and nod. She really is pretty. She has the looks to make it as an actress, that’s for sure. “Anything I can do to help?” I stare at her for a few seconds. I’m about to make a crude comment, but I stop myself. There’s something about the genuine warmth and concern in her face. She reminds me of a puppy, innocent and sweet. And then I picture Kingston's face and the bet we made. If I were an honorable man, I would hire the blonde. That was the deal I made. The first person I came into contact with looking for a job with the firm was to be my new assistant. Could I make her the envy of the legal community?

“How good are you at scheduling meetings, going through documents with a fine-tooth comb, and thwarting the mechinations of eager women?” I ask, half-joking, wondering if I am really considering hiring this woman as my new assistant. She’s goofy in a way I know will irritate me on a daily basis if I’m around her. I don’t come to work to joke around. I come to work to win cases and make money. I’m trying to make a name for myself. I need to win big cases if I want to make it to the Supreme Court one day. My dad won’t be able to say I walked away from the family business for nothing if I become a Supreme Court Justice. One of only nine. Clubs don’t get more exclusive than that.

“I am great at scheduling meetings, I have an eagle-eye for detail in documents, and no eager women will ever find their way into your presence, other than me.” She giggles and offers me an exaggerated wink as she flutters her hand back and forth in front of her face as if she needs air. Is this lady flirting with me? Seriously? I just basically offered her a job and she’s flirting with me? My lips twitch as I watch her. Her friend is standing in the corner of the elevator gaping. Even she looks shocked that her friend is coming on so strong.

“Are you hitting on me, Ms. I’m-the-best-paralegal-in-the-world-but-really-a-wanna-be-actress?” I still have time to change my mind and walk away. Kingston will never know.

“Oh, you misunderstood me.” She’s blushing heavily now. “I didn’t mean I’m an eager woman that wants to be in your presence, I just meant I’m a woman that would be in your presence. And also I’d be eager. To work you. I mean to work for you. I mean, yes, you’re hot, but that doesn’t mean I want to bed you. Can I say that here? Bed you? I mean, I have standards. Not that you’re not up to the standard, but you’d have to admit you were a bit rude back there and I prefer my men to be romantic and sweet and woo me with flowers and chocolates and you rather seem like the sort of man that thinks handcuffs equal romance and while I’ll admit that sometimes I’m up for some role-play, which is neither here nor there, by the way, it’s not exactly the fantasy for most women. Not that I think you want to take me on a first date or care about my fantasies...” She stops and goes a bright red. “I mean, you got me. I do think role-playing as cop and criminal would be kinda hot, but...” She slaps her hand over her mouth and looks over at her friend, whose eyes are bulging now. I stare at the two women and laughter escapes me because this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen. And I don’t hate it. This blonde is definitely never going to be paralegal of the year. She likely wouldn’t even make a good assistant, but I’ve had the best assistants in the world assigned to me and they didn’t last. What do I have to lose by hiring this woman? And maybe this is a good test to see if I really do have the skills to make anyone great at their job. I do love a challenge.

“You’re hired,” I say as the elevator dings and stops on my floor. “Follow me,” I say, walking out and leading the two women down the corridor. I may have lost my mind, but the blonde is making me laugh harder than I’ve laughed in years and it feels good. Everyone needs some comic relief now and again. Maybe she won’t be half bad. And if she is, I’ll fire her. After a month. The bet was that she wouldn't quit, not that I wouldn't fire her. I won't be able to sleep with her though...as disappointing as that is. I don't cross that line with assistants.

I stop outside the HR office and nod toward the redhead. “You can fill out an application here, tell Wendy that Max Spector said you were to be hired today.” I then turn toward the blonde. “Now you, come with me.” I pause as I realize that I still don’t know her name.

“Lila,” she says, as if reading my mind. “Lila Haversham.” She looks slightly shocked as she swallows hard. Her throat is long and slender and she’s wearing a gold necklace with some sort of charm that I can’t make out.

“Nice to meet you, Lila,” I say, shaking her outstretched hand. “Just so you know, this is a full-time job and you won’t be taking off for any auditions.” I look her up and down, my eyes lingering on her cleavage as I take a visual photograph of her. “Unless we’re doing some sort of role-play in my office, comprendo?” I grin at her. She frowns in confusion and I watch her freeze as her mind wonders if I’m saying what she thinks I’m saying. I want to snicker, but I pull out my phone instead and send Kingston a text message. "I hired my new assistant and she's going to be absolutely amazing." I hit send before I can stop myself. I don't often lie, but I'm not going to tell him that I think I may have hired the worst possible person for the job.

Chapter Four


A billion thoughts race through my mind. Is this hottie lawyer really flirting with me? And did he really just hire me? Am I now gainfully employed? Do I want to be gainfully employed by him?

Max Spector looks like bad news with his big, teasing blue eyes, dark hair, and navy-blue power suit. The man is the sort of handsome that has your panties off before you can say panties. The kind of handsome that gets you out of those practical Hanes numbers and straight into a slinky thong so you could make him rip it off with only his teeth. The very thought of Max’s mouth against my ass is turning me on, far more than it should be.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I blink as I gaze at his expectant expression. I’ve completely forgotten what he just said because my mind was in the gutter. Working for him is definitely not a good idea.

“Shall I show you to my office so we can get ready for today’s meetings?” His voice is smooth as whiskey and I shiver slightly at the knowing look in his eyes as he slowly bites down on his lip. Is this man a mind reader? Does he know that just a moment ago I was imagining his teeth in my asscheeks. “Lila?” he prompts, and I nod quickly.

Get your mind straight, Lila Haversham!

“Of course. I’d love to get straight to work, but don’t I have to fill out some paperwork first?” I peer up at him, a sweet, innocent smile on my face. I am not going to let this guy know I’m taking mental snapshots to think about tonight when I go to bed.

“You can do it on your lunch break. I’ll have HR bring the requisite forms to my office.”

“Doesn’t seem like much of a lunch break if I’m filling out W2s.” I tilt my head to the side. “Also, I don’t even know my salary.”

“You didn’t come to my office today to eat lunch. You came for a job.” He folds his arms and looks like a stern teacher. “If you want this job, you have to understand that you’re to work all hours. You can take the breaks you need, but this job may require you to work all hours.”

“I don’t know if I want it now.” I step back and look into the HR office. “I might try my chances for another position.”

“Then go ahead.” He shrugs. “Go and join your friend and see what you qualify for.” He turns around and my heart sinks. He takes two steps he turns and looks back at me. “The salary for this position is $150,000 a year, plus full health care, a ten percent match to your 401K, $25,000 a year allowance for education, and twenty-one days paid vacation.” He smirks. “Or you can see what’s behind door number two.”

“One second,” I say as I rush into the HR office. I can see that Max looks shocked. He probably thinks I’m a fool, but I’m not actually checking out other jobs. I need Skye’s phone number. I don’t often meet cool women in The City and I’m not going to let a potential new friend disappear out of my life. Skye is standing in a line behind two other women and I let out a huge sigh of relief. “Can I get your number?” I ask her as I hand her my phone. “We should hang out soon.”