"He wants me to be with other men," she says. "It's weird. I know he loves me. I know he wants me to be happy, but all I want is him. I don't want those other men. I mean, sure, I'd love to be with a man like Max for one night, but that's not the rest of my life, you know? I just want me and Jack to enjoy forever together. That's why I married him." My heart sinks for her and I nod slowly.

"Hey there, talking about me?" Max says as he plops into the seat next to mine and hands me a smoothie. "I got you strawberry kiwi. I hope that's okay."

"It's great. Thank you." I say, taking the cup from him gratefully. "You're so sweet, Max." I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"What's that for?" he asks, his eyes crinkled at the side.

"Just wanted to say that I'm appreciative of you."

"I'm appreciative of you as well." He takes a sip of his smoothie, then reaches over and grabs my hand and squeezes. "I'm ready for bed," he says, winking. He looks way too sexy for his own good and I know that I’m in trouble.

Lucinda laughs as she stares at us. "Oh, to be young and in love." She leans back and pulls her phone out of her bag. I want to tell her that I know she's about the same age as me, but I can't. I can't tell her that I know exactly who she is. I can't tell her that her husband is looking to divorce her, that he doesn't love her, that he wants to get rid of her and not even give her a penny. But I can't. I look over at Max and give him a warm, sweet smile. He might not be my man, but I know he's a good guy in the depths of my soul.

"You two go and have some fun," she says. "I think I'm going to go and see about getting something to eat before I head home. Maybe I'll surprise Jack, my husband, and see if he wants to have some fun tonight."

"Cool," I say. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Lucinda."

"It was great meeting you as well. And if you ever change your mind, know that the door is always open." She winks at me. "Even if it's just you and me. If you're ever curious, of course."

"Thanks," I say, nodding.

I squeeze Max's arm and he shrugs. "What is it?"

"I'll tell you later," I whisper. I watch as Lucinda heads to the door. "I have so much to tell you."

"Good news, I hope?"

"I mean yes and no, but you are not going to believe what she asked."

"What?" he says, a twinkle in his eyes that tells me he’s enjoying this far more than he should be.

"She wanted to have an orgy with us." His eyes light up and he nods eagerly. The motion makes me roll my eyes as I laugh. "It's not happening, stupid." I poke him in the shoulder. “Sorry, bud, but that particular dream is not coming true tonight.”

“I never say never.”

Chapter Twenty-One


"So what are you thinking now about the case?" Lila asks me, her eyes narrowed. I can feel the heat in her gaze and I know what she’s really asking. She wants to know if I’m going to drop the case.

I stare at her for a couple of seconds. "Sorry. What?" I don’t want to disappoint her or make her feel badly about me, but I’ve already told her several times that my job isn’t to ensure that Mrs. Whittington is provided for. The nuances of this particular case are none of my business.

She either accepts the settlement offer or she doesn’t.

A momentary ripple of guilt spreads through my stomach, which I try to ignore. Why have I let Lila infiltrate my brain and heart like this?

I blink as she leans forward. I want to kiss her again, but I'm not sure if she really wants that or not.

"Are you going to drop the case?"

"Am I going to drop a potentially multi-million dollar case because you had one conversation in a smoothie bar with someone?" I shake my head. "That's not how life works, Lila. I think I told you that."

"You said you were willing to see what her side of the story was and?—"

"And you found out that her and her husband have fun at clubs, and she openly admitted that she has slept with other men."

"But it was her husband that set it up and she didn't even want to."