I’m jerked from my thoughts as Max hurries out with his bag.

"Hey," he says, his eyes searching mine as if he's nervous that I might regret what happened. He has nothing to worry about. I could never regret the greatest sexual experience of my life.

"Hey," I say, tilting my head to the side and grinning. "That was something, huh?"

"We should talk about this later," he says, and I stare up at him. His eyes are sparkling as he reaches down and rubs my shoulder. His fingers feel like Heaven and I want to push him back and kiss him. "I think we need to."

"Hey, guys! We're over here," Lucinda calls out as we step outside. She's waiting outside the smoothie place with another one of the women whose name I don't know.

"Oh, hey," I say, smiling and waving. "Sorry, we're a little slow."

"It's okay." Lucinda grins. "If I was with someone that hot, I would be taking my time getting ready as well, especially with the co-ed showers."

I blush and Max grins. "Well, you know what they say about co-ed showers?"

"No," Lucinda says, flirting. "What do they say?" I can feel the slight niggling of jealousy in the pit of my stomach, but I try not to let it show.

"You guys are engaged or what?" Lucinda asks as she stares at Max, affording me barely more than a cursory glance.

I shake my head slowly. "No. Are you married?" I ask casually, as if that's not the entire reason we're here this evening.

"I am," Lucinda says, nodding. "To a very rich man." She grins. "Kind of handsome as well."

"Oh, cool," I say, wondering what she feels about the relationship. If she knows that Jack's about to file for divorce, she's certainly hiding it.

"Yeah, he is really great and we're in a very open relationship."

"Open?" I ask as we walk into this smoothie shop.

"Yeah," she grins. "Why? Are you curious to know what that means?"

"Yes," I say enthusiastically, looking over at Max.

"Hey, darling, I'm going to get us some smoothies.” He places his palm at the small of my back and leans in to kiss my cheek, sending an unexpected tightening need through my body. “Do you know what you want?"

"Choose for me, honey. You always pick the best stuff," I say, fighting to keep my voice steady.

"Well, okay then." He gives me a little wink and I just shake my head.

"Come, let's have a seat," Lucinda says as she sips from her smoothie.

"Okay." I nod and follow her to a booth at the back that’s set apart from the other women. "Is your friend going to join us?" I ask, nodding back outside to the woman still standing there. It looks like she’s on the phone.

"Oh, yeah. She's just arguing with her husband, Billy."

"Oh?" I ask.

"They argue frequently."

"Oh, okay." That's sad.

"It's fine," she says. "I think she likes it. She always gets amazing gifts when they make up."

"Oh, cool."

"So, how long have you and Max been together?"

"A good couple of months," I say, not really wanting to lie, but knowing that I can't tell the truth.