"What are you doing, Lila?" he asks, softly gazing at me. There's a question in his eyes and I don't know how to answer it. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I just keep moving the soap back and forth, and before I know what's happening, his right hand has slipped between my legs and is now covering mine, and he's guiding the soap back and forth. I gasp as I look up at him.

There's a question in his eyes, and I nod. He grins as he steps forward and pushes me to the side so that my back is now against the wall. I bite down on my lip. I don't know what's about to happen, but I know it's going to be good. I know this is a moment I have been thinking of and dreaming of for years. I just never actually thought something like this would happen to me. "So, Lila," he says softly. "Is this part of the game? Is this part of the act, or do you want to see where this goes?"

Chapter Nineteen


"What do you mean?" Lila asks softly. Her hands are trembling beneath mine and I'm still in shock that she actually walked into the shower with me, naked. We've been teasing each other back and forth for the last couple of days, and I definitely wanted it to lead somewhere. I just didn't anticipate it leading somewhere like this so quickly. I’m more turned on than I've ever been in my life.

"Is this part of the act? Do you want me to stop?" I say.

"No," she whispers, and I grin. I pull her hand away from her pussy, because as much as I want to rub her clit and make her orgasm, I want to make it last. I want this moment to last longer than the five seconds that it will take me to make her come.

I pull the soap from between her legs and she just stares at me as I guide the soap back to her breasts. They're voluptuous and big and I just want to lean down and suck on her nipples, but I don't want to take things too quickly, too fast.

I gently rub the soap across her breasts, my fingers flicking her nipples softly. She gasps and leans back against the wall, her body trembling slightly. I drop the soap to the ground and she stares at me. I lean forward and kiss the side of her neck and run my thumbs around each nipple, cupping her breasts gently as I push myself up against her.

My cock is pushed up against her stomach and it feels glorious next to the slippery soap coating her skin. She reaches up and touches my shoulders, her fingernails running down my back, and I grunt as she moves her face toward mine, a question in her eyes.

"You're so wet," I say, laughing as the water cascades down on us.

"Showers will do that to you," she says, laughing, her lips parted slightly.

I lean down and kiss her again. Her lips are like the sweetest sugar and I groan as her fingers run through my hair again. I pull out her hair band and let her hair down, before running my fingers through the wet tresses. I slide my hands down the side of her body to her ass and squeeze before slipping them between her thighs again. She gasps as my bare fingers rub along her slit and gently flick against her clit. Her legs tremble.

As I increase the pressure, she reacts to me just as I wanted, just how I need it, and I groan as my cock becomes harder against her. I slip a finger inside of her and she leans forward and bites down on my shoulder to stop herself from screaming. I'm about to slide another in when we hear someone walk in. She gasps, her eyes widening as I grin down at her, not stopping the movement of my fingers. They enter one of the stalls and turn it on. I have no idea who it is or if they know we're in here, and I don't care.

"Oh, shit," she says as I feel her body trembling.

My thumb flicks against her clit as my fingers plunge into her more and more quickly. She reaches down and holds on to my cock, her fingers sliding up and down, and I know that if she continues to do that, everything is going to become even crazier. I lift her up slightly.

"Wrap your legs around my waist," I say as I push her up against the wall. Her breasts are now pressed against my chest as I slip my fingers out and rub my cock against her entrance. She moans, grabbing my head and kissing me hard. I'm about to thrust inside of her when she gasps. I stare at her in confusion and pause.

"We have to get to this smoothie place before they leave," she says, biting down on her lower lip.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I say.

She shakes her head and I let her down slowly as I groan. I slap her on the bottom and she giggles slightly. "Are you just saying that because you don't want me to fuck you, or are you saying that because?—"

"Oh, trust me," she says. "I want you to fuck me. Desperately. But we came here for a mission, and if we leave without the mission being completed, I won’t feel right."

"You owe me an orgasm," I say, grinning at her. She flicks her tongue out at me and I lean down and suck on it. She gasps as my fingers once again caress her breast, and I feel her thumb rubbing the tip of my cock. I groan slightly. Going to be left with blue balls and there's nothing I can do about it. "We have to stop," I say, pushing her back reluctantly. "If we keep this up, we're never going to make it."

"I know," she says as she grabs the towel. "It's a pity, isn't it?" She winks at me, and for a couple of moments, I wonder if this whole thing has been one big tease. Has she deliberately come into the shower to seduce me so she can walk out?

I stare at her for a couple of seconds, but then I realize from the way that she's breathing and the reluctant tone of her voice that she doesn't want this to end either. I lean down and blow into her ear, caressing the side of her face as I brush her hair back. "We're not finished here, Lila Havesham. We're not finished by a long shot."

"I know," she says. "Trust me." She looks down at my cock and licks her lips. "I'm hungry, and it's not just for food." I growl as she pulls away and leaves the shower. She is going to be the death of me.

I wait a couple of minutes before I grab my own towel and head out. I don't want anyone to think we were doing anything untoward, even though we most definitely were. I take a deep breath as I put my clothes on and lean back against the wall as I run my fingers through my wet hair and just think about the moment with Lila in the shower, how close I'd been to fucking her, how willing she'd been to have that happen, how cheeky and beautiful her breasts had been.

I needed her and I wanted her, and I will have her before the night is over, because there’s no way that I'll be able to go another twenty-four hours without being inside of her. It just isn’t possible. And I have a feeling that she wants it just as badly as I do.

Chapter Twenty


My heart is racing as I stand in the lobby waiting for Max to come out. I have no idea what just happened or why it felt so good, but my body is on fire and I desperately need to talk to Zara about it. That was not about playing games. It wasn’t about me playing a role. That was all about my attraction to Max and how sexy I think he is, even his personality, which annoys the life out of me, I’m beginning to somehow find charming. I’m not sure if it’s because of the endorphins released by the exercise or because I haven't gotten any in a while, but there’s no arguing that Max is changing my body chemistry. I’m literally walking around like I’m on fire.