"So what does your wife cheating have to do with your company's wholesome image? It's her that looks bad," I say, unable to stop myself from asking the question.
He stares at me for a couple of seconds then smirks. "The fact of the matter is, my wife and I attended a very exclusive club." He pauses. "And while I was only there to watch, it may not go down well that I was there in the first place," he says softly.
"An exclusive club?" I ask. "Like a nightclub?" I know I shouldn't be talking, and I can see Max frowning, but I can't stop myself.
"Something like that," he says, then looks over at Max. "I think you know what I mean."
Max stares at him for a couple of seconds and nods. "I think I do."
"So discretion is very important," Jack continues. "In fact, I need to ensure that this doesn't get out."
"Are you willing to pay your wife anything to ensure that that happens?" Max asks.
"I'm willing to give her a hundred thousand dollars." Jack licks his lips. "No more."
"A hundred thousand dollars," Max says, frowning slightly. "That's it?"
"She screwed two men." Jack shakes his head. "She can't get away with that." My eyes widen at his comment. What is going on here? I’m pretty sure that the exclusive club he mentioned is a sex club, but why had Jack gone if he wasn't going to partake? For some reason, I don’t believe that he'd only gone to watch, especially not after the way he'd just been talking about me.
"Well, I can definitely try to make a deal with your wife," Max says, nodding. "Is there anything else that I should know?"
Jack shakes his head. "No. I just need this done within the next two weeks."
"The next two weeks?" Max raises an eyebrow. "Is there a particular reason why it needs to be completed so quickly?"
"We have an IPO coming up." Jack says. "It's going to be launched in two weeks, and I don't need any bad publicity coming out. This is a deal that is worth billions of dollars."
"And the firm that's handling the IPO cannot handle the divorce?" Max asks, frowning slightly.
"I'm looking to change firms. If you can take care of this for me, then I know that you can be trusted to take care of the bigger matters as well."
Max nods and types something into his phone. He looks over at me for a couple of seconds. "Do you have all of that information, Lila?"
I just stare at him. I'm not sure what he's talking about or what I was meant to have written down. I assumed that he would tell me if he wanted me to take notes. I nod quickly. "I have all of it, sir." I say. And because I'm an idiot, I salute him. Jack raises an eyebrow and Max just shakes his head.
"She's new," he says, as if that explains it.
"Oh." Jack grins. "Well, if you're ever looking for a job, Lila…" He leans toward me. "I think I know someone who’s hiring." He licks his lips. "As long as you don't mind being on your back for…"
"I think that I have enough information," Max says, cutting him off with a frown. "Lila, we do have some more meetings this afternoon. Are you ready to go?"
"Sure, but…"
"Okay," he says, pulling his phone out without another thought. "I will tell Henry that we're ready." Max holds out his hand. "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Whittington."
"You're done already?" Jack asks, frowning. He looks as confused as I feel. We've literally just arrived. I'd hoped to get to explore the penthouse. It’s not often I get to hobnob with the rich and famous. I was hoping to excuse myself and check out one of the restrooms and see if he had real gold faucets. I mean, I don't think he would, but I know really rich people buy really ostentatious home decor. "But?—"
"But nothing." Max's tone is polite, but firm. I feel a certain thrill at how he's taking charge of the situation. "I have the paperwork now and I will read it over. I understand the urgency of the deal you wish to make with your wife. I’ll see if I can do it. You're a busy man and so am I," Max says as he nods. "Nice to meet you. Come on, Lila." He gestures toward me and heads back to the front door. He holds it open for me and we walk out toward the elevator, which we ride down in silence. My heart is racing as I glance at him. Max looks furious and I'm not even sure why.
"Did you have to flirt with the man?" Max asks, shaking his head, and my jaw drops.
"What?" I stare at him in disbelief. "What are you talking about? I didn't flirt with him. I couldn't stand the jerk."
Max looks up at me. "You need to wear more appropriate attire tomorrow."
"Oh, so it's my fault that that pig basically asked me to sleep with him? I mean, that's my fault, right? Because I'm a woman and ooze sex and men can't be held accountable for being dickheads, right?"
"It's not your fault," Max says, shaking his head and holding up his hands. There's a chagrined look on his face as if he's embarrassed by what he's just said. I'm glad to see he's not doubling down on blaming me because I'd never be able to look past that disrespect, no matter how handsome he is. "He was totally inappropriate and I did not appreciate the way that he spoke to you. I apologize if any of my own words or actions came off that way earlier today. Now that I see it from the perspective of a bystander, I realize how inappropriate such comments are." I stare at him in surprise. That was not what I'd expected him to say. At all. Is the guy nice after all?