I hear Max clear his throat and turn to look at him. He's frowning slightly as he steps forward with his hand held out. "I'm Max Spector. It's good to meet you, Jack. Or would you rather I call you, Mr. Whittington?" He stands in front of me so that he is now next to Jack and I feel like he's just become my shield. I wonder if he's done that on purpose or not. Is he being my knight in shining armor or just trying to cockblock me?
He's either sweet or a douchebag.
I need to stop thinking about him as anything other than my boss.
Note to self: This is real life, Lila. This is not a play. Or a role. Max Spector is not your leading man. This is not going to end up with me receiving a Golden Globe or an Oscar.
Those golden statues would be like my babies, if I ever won one.
The only golden baby I could possibly end up with would be puking all over me with chubby cheeks and irresistible blue eyes. And I’m not quite ready to be a mother. Not that Max is ready to be a father. Or that I’d even want him to be the father of my children.
I need to stop letting my imagination run away with me.
"Call me Jack." Jack gives me a smoldering smile, then turns to size up Max. He holds out his hand and gives it a solid shake. I watch as the two men take stock of each other. Jack nods as if he's impressed by what he sees. "I've heard good things about you."
"Really?" Max says, though there's no surprise in his tone. Suddenly, I want to Google Max and find out everything I can about him. Our interaction in the car had been taut with tension, and I'd almost felt like he was going to pull me onto his lap and devour me. Or maybe that had been wishful thinking. He’s gorgeous, and I’m drawn to him in ways that I've never been drawn to any other man before in my life.
I need a lobotomy.
"So, are you another one of the attorneys at the firm?" Jack turns back to me and looks me up and down. I feel his eyes on my legs and shiver slightly, but not from warmth and butterflies, but rather coldness. Jack's lookover is creepy. He’s making me feel like a pig in a butcher shop, hung upside down and skinned. I suddenly don’t find it a compliment that he thinks I could be wife number three.
I immediately feel sorry for his ex-wife. I don't care what she's done to him. I can tell that he deserves it. Not that I will tell Max my thoughts on his newest client. He’s most probably taken some sort of oath that makes him look out for his client, no matter how smarmy he is.
I'm definitely not going to tell him that Jack Whittington reminds me of a used snake oil salesman, dripping in his own product from head to toe.
“Or would you like to be my personal...attorney...” He chuckles and all I feel is distaste. His words don't even make sense.
I press my lips together so I don’t show him my emotions and have him demand Max fire me. "No, I'm not an attorney. Not even close. I'm Max's assistant, Lila," I say with a small embarrassed smile. "I'm just accompanying him so that I can take notes and ensure we give you the best representation possible." Very professional! Good one, Lila! "He is the best attorney in all of the?—"
"Great!" Jack cuts me off and moves closer, going around Max to get to me. His eyes shift downward again and I have the distinct feeling that he is trying to look down my shirt. What a pervert. If I wasn't here for a job, I'd slap him.
"If you were my assistant, I'd take you everywhere as well. All hours of the day and night." He licks his lips. "Only, if you were my assistant, I'd make sure that skirt was just a little bit shorter." He winks and blows me a kiss. "If you know what I mean."
I blush and look over at Max, whose lips are thinner than I’ve ever seen them. I wonder what he's thinking. He’s angry for sure, but I’m not sure if it’s at me for wearing the short skirt or Jack for pointing it out. I wonder if he regrets hiring me. I guess I really don't look appropriate for a professional job like this.
"Jack, I think you're making Lila uncomfortable." His voice is grim, and I wouldn’t be surprised if fire soared out of his mouth. "Let's you and I talk about your marriage and the dissolution process. Is there somewhere we can sit? I take it you have the signed prenuptial paperwork for me to review?"
"I do." Jack turns to him, his expression now serious. "There's a slight complication."
"I’ve heard." Max stares at him. "Are you going to tell me what that complication is?"
"My wife cheated on me." He stares at me and smiles that creepy smile again. "I have a feeling you wouldn't cheat on me. Would you, Lila?"
"I don't cheat," I say, swallowing hard. Why is this man asking me all these questions? I don't understand why he's focusing so much of his attention on me.
"Exactly. I feel like you're a good girl. I like good girls." He almost whispers, like some creep in a movie on Lifetime. I shiver slightly and look over at Max. His eyes look furious. I can tell that he's not happy with the conversation, but I don't want him to say something that would cause him to lose this potential client. I know that a client like Jack Whittington that's worth millions of dollars would be very valuable to any law firm.
"Why don't we focus on the matter at hand?" Max says, stepping forward and expertly guiding the conversation back to business. "My assistant, Lila, and I don't have very long to chat with you. We have some other appointments later today." This is the first I've heard about that, but I don't say anything.
"Appointments, eh?" Jack looks at Max with a knowing glance. "I'd have an appointment every afternoon with Lila if..."
"That's enough," Max says, shaking his head and clenching his fists. "You have a prenuptial agreement that states if your wife cheats, what happens?"
"She gets nothing," Jack says, shrugging, his smirk back on his face. "If she cheats, she gets nothing."
"So what's the complication then?" Max asks, frowning. "And why did you need me to help with this case?"
"Because I don't want to be embarrassed," Jack is annoyed as Max grabs my arm and moves me to the other side of him. "I don't want this to get out into the media. You understand? I have a company that has a very wholesome image."