"Really? Hmm. It didn't seem that way an hour ago. In fact, I was thinking about…"
"Thinking about what?" I ask.
"I was thinking about us having a specific deal with each other."
"What do you mean?" I ask, my lips trembling slightly. Is he about to say what I think he is? Is he about to come on to me? Is he about to offer me some sort of kinky deal to be his lover? And will I take it? I’m not sure. "What is the offer?" I ask.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" He grins as he brings his mouth to my ear.
"Well, yeah, you brought it up, so..." I step back, feeling flustered.
"Come with me and you'll find out."
"Where are we going? You're not taking me to a hotel, are you? Look, I am not that type of girl."
"Lila, I was joking. There is no deal."
I cross my arms and glare at him. I don't find his joke funny whatsoever.
"Moving on. I removed you from the training because we're going to meet a client." He taps his watch.
"A client?" I raise an eyebrow. "What client?"
"His name is Jack Whittington and he needs help with a divorce."
"Okay." I press my lips together. "Let's go then."
"To the Plaza?" He winks and I gasp.
"I should quit right now."
"We both know you're not quitting, Lila. Just like we both know if I took you to the Plaza Hotel right now, your skirt and panties would be on the ground before I could say the word ground."
"Dude, you wish."
"Maybe I do," he says, his eyes looking me up and down. "And maybe I don't, but you'll never know."
"You think this is a joke, don't you?"
"Not at all," he says softly. "I just think that when I have you, it's going to be because neither of us can keep our hands off of each other, and who knows? Maybe I am the crazy one. Maybe this banter is going to drive me absolutely bonkers and maybe it's going to drive you bonkers too. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But you can't say that you don't enjoy it."
I bite down on my lower lip. "I do not get you."
"That's understandable," he says. "You didn't know me until today. I don't get you either, but I have a feeling I will."
"What do you mean you have a feeling you will? Are you saying you have a feeling that you'll sleep with me? Because I already told you I'm not interested."
"I know what you said, Miss Haversham, but I think we both know how you feel right now. Like the ocean, right baby?"
Chapter Nine
I can tell by the look on Lila's face that she's nonplussed. She doesn't know how to take our interactions, and if I'm quite honest with myself, I don't know how to take our interactions either. We've gone back and forth so often in such a short time that I already feel like she's changed a part of my life. It feels like I've known her forever as opposed to less than a day.
A part of me now understands the sentiment that life can be changed in a moment. I already feel like the air I'm breathing is slightly sweeter. I wonder if I was hit over the head in my sleep last night and didn't realize it.
"So where are we going, exactly?" she asks, her blue eyes studying me curiously as we wait outside the building for the driver to pick us up. I wonder if she's considering quitting. I haven't exactly made her first day the most seamless. The thought of her quitting is unpleasant to the brain and I know it has nothing to do with the bet. I will have to be nicer. But not too nice. I make a vow to stop the teasing and flirting. It's been so long since I've even wanted to flirt.