“Okay, pull the offer. If this kill-switch is the only recourse we have, then I’m not playing. I’m not signing away on a full project without the data. If he’s not going to give the data withoutguarantees, then I can’t do it and we have to find another partner for this.”

“You want to take it away from Managed Spaces?” Robertson asked.

“Not at all, but if they are going to be this difficult during the asset discovery process, I don’t want to think about how big of a pain they will be once we are underway. Look, I need to get some sleep. We can strategize another approach in the morning.” I ended the call.

“Everything all right? Jessica asked in a sleepy voice.

“I’m sorry I woke you up. It’s just work BS.”

“It’s late, though,” she pointed out.

“It is. Go back to sleep. I’ll join you in a few minutes,” I told her.

She made some half asleep muttering sounds and rolled onto her side.

I went into the bathroom and got ready for bed. It had been a long and frustrating day. I was looking forward to wrapping around Jessica and holding her all night long. At least in my sleep, I could have the comfort of her presence and body.

It felt like only a few minutes before my phone was ringing again. I opened my eyes and grabbed the phone. As I rolled out of bed, I realized it was already morning and it hadn’t been my phone ringing, but my alarm. As tempted as I was to hit the snooze on the alarm and go back to sleep, today was the day I wanted this proposal to be completed.

I rolled out of bed, leaving Jessica’s warmth behind. I crossed the hall to check in on Max. He wasn’t up yet, and the day’snanny hadn’t yet arrived. I watched him sleep for a moment. “I’ll be home for dinner tonight, I promise.” He couldn’t hear me. The promise was to myself. I missed my family.

I returned to my room and managed to get in a shower and get half dressed before my phone started ringing continuously.

“What?” I tried not to bark. Jessica was still asleep. She moaned and shifted in her sleep.

I grabbed my shoes and headed out to the hall.

“I got a nasty call already this morning. Frisco Investments wants Managed Spaces on this. We’re going to have to go forward with the kill-switch idea,” Robertson informed me.

“Don’t you people sleep? It’s barely eight,” I complained.

“It’s already eleven on the East Coast,” he reminded me.

“That goes against my better judgment, but if that’s what they want, I’ll suck it up and figure out a way to deal with it.” It was a good thing I was already dressed. I left for the office without stopping for breakfast. I’d have Sarah order something once she got in.



Iwas aware of Dylan getting into bed with me. I think I remembered a kiss. And in that fuzziness that is pain medication-assisted sleep, he was dressed and leaving for work. I rolled over and expected to fall right back to sleep. After all, I was mostly there already.

I heard Dylan talking. Max must have woken up early, or the nanny was here for the day. I didn’t pay much attention other than to just listen to the sounds he made. I loved the deep rumble of his voice. It didn’t matter what the words were. I just needed the sound.

None of the words made any sense, which was fine. I wasn’t trying to listen to his conversation, anyway.

But then he said, “I’ll suck it up and figure out a way to deal with it.”

I don’t know why those words stuck with me, but they did. I tried to go back to sleep, but every time I got close to that magical tipping point of not being conscious, Dylan's words came back to me.

“… a way to deal with it.”

“… suck it up…”

Deal with what?

I didn’t so much roll over as I threw my entire body to the side. I had to fight the pillows between my legs and make sure my feet were elevated. It became an ordeal. I finally understood the concept of tossing and turning. It was a violent attempt at seeking comfort.

As soon as I thought I had found a position to settle into, his words popped right back into my head. I knew he was having to come up with a replacement plan for his investors, but what if…?