And then we both looked down at my feet. I couldn’t walk and was told to stay off them as much as I could manage. But in the greater scheme of things, my feet were nothing compared to the giant ‘what-ifs’ that could have happened.

“I’m sorry,” I said again. I had a feeling I was going to be racked with guilt over the past events for a very long time. “I’ve put you in a bad situation. Having to hire a second nanny, and you still have to go to work and deal with all of that.”

“All of that is not your fault. If Carmichael hadn’t shown who he really was this early in the process, he would have at some point. Right now, he’s causing me a headache and some legal fees. If he had pulled this stunt after the project was underway, who knows how many millions this could have cost me. As I see it, you saved me a small fortune.” He reached down and swooped my legs onto his lap.

I let out a nervous giggle. Dylan’s concept of a small fortune and mine were so very different.

“You need to stay in bed and recover,” he continued.

“Are you staying with me?” I teased.

“I appreciate that invitation, but I have to go to work.”

I looked knowingly down at my legs, shifting my gaze from his eyes back to my legs a few times.

He finally looked at what I was trying to get him to see.

“Huh, I trapped myself.” He lifted my legs from his lap, stood, and put my legs back on the bed. “I have a nurse coming in for the afternoon.”

“A nurse? Is your mother okay?” I asked.

“Not for Mother, for you.”

“Dylan, I don’t need a nurse.” My gaze fell on the padded boots just beyond my reach. “Okay, I’m going to need some help. Certainly, one of the household staff could help out? But I don’t know if I need a full nurse, just an adult babysitter, I guess.”

“I assume home healthcare means nurses, and that’s who was contacted. And everyone who works for me already has a job to do. I’ve simply brought someone else in, and their job is to makesure you have the help you need. This way, if you need assistance getting to and from the bathroom, or you want a snack, someone will be here for you,” he explained. “I’ll have Lori have an afternoon snack sent up and make sure you have plenty to drink. You need to be hydrated to heal.” He was very thorough. He hadn’t missed a thing. Max was taken care of, I was being taken care of, and he still had to go in to work and deal with the rest of the mess I caused.

There were worse things than being stuck in a large, comfortable bed. But I was going to get bored. I could spend some time reading, but I knew that when I hurt, I had a hard time focusing, and I’d want a movie to distract me. And Dylan was doing a good job of keeping my mind from my feet, but I was really aware of the low-grade throbbing. I wasn’t due for more medication for another three hours, at least.

“Do you think the nurse will help me get down to the TV room, or will she keep me locked up in here?” I asked.

“If she’s doing her job, she’ll keep you here. But you can watch TV up here,” Dylan said.

“Are you going to have someone bring a TV in for me?” I couldn’t believe it. That was amazing. He really had thought of everything.

“Why would I do that? There’s already one.” He pointed at the opposite wall.

Dylan’s room was very well decorated. Tasteful framed art that looked original to me, a few display shelves with ancient Greek or Roman looking figurines—also probably real—but no television.

“That’s not a TV, and I’m not on the right kind of drugs that would make me think the painting, while very dramatic, is a movie.”

Dylan laughed and opened a drawer on his bedside table. He tossed a remote onto the bed next to me. It was a typical TV remote. I stared at it.

“Go on, turn it on,” he prompted.

I picked up the remote and clicked the power button. The painting faded away, replaced by a product logo, and then I was looking at a standard smart TV dashboard with a large promo for the latest new release and rows of streaming service icons.

“How? What sorcery is this? No way. That wasn’t a TV a second ago.” I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around the fact that the art on his wall was really a freaking television.

Dylan’s smile made my insides flutter. “I didn’t want to have a TV taking up so much space in here, so I got one of those frame TVs. If you don’t like the painting I chose, you can flip through the selection and pick something else from the gallery.”

I was still in awe of the technology. “I guess I will spend the rest of the day in bed without causing the nurse too much grief.”

“Good. I have to go. I’m already late, and the investors have been giving Sarah hell already this morning. I’ll be back late.’ Dylan walked around the bed and gave me a light kiss on the lips.

I grabbed his shirt and made him kiss me again. “I could get used to this.”

“The life of luxury?” Dylan asked.