"Are you ready, sis?" she asks.

I've come to love her like a sister.

"Yes," I say, taking a deep breath.

"Why am I so nervous?" I ask her. "We're already married. All this is just a show."

"It's the fairytale," she answers. "It scares us all because we put so much energy into it. Just let it go. This isn't really the fairytale. That's what comes after. That's your happily ever after."

"Thank you." I take her hand. "Shall we go? I'm dying to see my husband." She laughs.

"He doesn't disappoint." She turns and fixes a few things on my gown and on the headdress.

"Do I look ok?" I ask.

"You're the most beautiful girl here. Now, let's go. My brother is practically being restrained because he can't wait one more minute." I laugh. "Laugh! You think I'm kidding? I'd be surprised if he doesn't run down the aisle to grab you and carry you to the alter."

My godfather waits at the large wooden doors. He takes a deep breath when he sees me.

"Oh, my darling daughter. For a moment, I was taken back to when your father married your mother. You are the image of your beautiful mother on that day."

"Thank you, Papa."

Giulia heads in, and after a few moments, the wedding march comes on, and the doors open. The congregation stands, and for a moment, they obscure my view and Franco's, it seems. Giggles fill the church as he moves from beside the priest to see me. He looks relieved, and then a look of pure joy fills his face.

His eyes never leave me as I make my way to him.


I take my wife in my arms, and the music starts up. The band starts to play, and we begin to make our way across the floor. For those few minutes, there's nobody in the world but us. I look down at her, and she looks up at me. Under a star-filled Tuscan sky, we kiss our fourth or fifth kiss for the day, and each time is like the first.

"I think if I could only do one thing for the rest of my life it would be kissing you," I say.

"Me too." She sighs. "I've heard so many nightmare stories about people's weddings, but this is wonderful."

Giulia brings the boys over, and they join us on the dancefloor. It's a weird little arrangement, but after a few minutes, we get the hang of dancing with two busy four-month-olds.

"They're such happy babies," she says. "I feel like we're being set up."

"What do you mean?" I ask her, laughing. His face turns sad for a moment.

"Can this be real?" I raise my hand to her lips.

"It is real," I say. "My love, I cannot promise you that we won't face challenges and tough times. All I can promise you is that I'll be at your side, and I'll hold your hand and protect you and our family with everything I have in me."

"Franco Morelli, you have made me one very, very happy woman. I thought I was living before I met you, but I was just fooling myself. I don't know that I even knew love or joy or safety before you. I don't know that I knew pleasure or purpose before I loved you, and oh, how I love you."

I lower my head to caress her cheek with mine, and we stay like that for a while, both afraid to break the spell that's been cast. We're both so scared of tomorrow and what might be, and all we have is now to revel in,

The rest of the guests take to the floor during the dying moments of the song. Even Marco dances, and it's a sight to behold. I whisper to Aria.

"I do believe my brother is in love." She turns to look at Marco and the woman he's been seeing for a couple of months now.

"She's good for him. Everyone should have a port in this stormy world." I look at this amazing woman in front of me. She continues to surprise me every day. "So, did you have fun at your bachelor party?"

I'm caught off guard.

"What! What bachelor party?" I start to stutter.