"So, Aria. Sent on an assignment to take out the Morelli brothers, and you end up knocked up and unwilling to complete the deal. You came to me wanting your freedom from this life, and now you've fucked your way back in, and it seems to me that you like it?"
He shrugs and looks over at his henchman, who is his audience. This man is an A-grade wang and world-class show-boater. He heads over to his goons and starts to talk to them as one of the men on surveillance outside comes in to update him. Franco uses the opportunity to talk about how we're going to get out of here.
"Come on, Dilio. Don't tell me you've never been in a bind like this before," he says, trying to keep the mood light, but I know him already.
This is the thing he fears the most, and now it's come to life in the worst way imaginable. He's unarmed and vulnerable and, worst of all, unable to protect me or his child. No matter what, Franco Morelli has a code of ethics, and no matter what happens between us, he won't let any harm come to me or the baby. He wouldn't be able to live with himself.
He's trying hard to focus and not let emotions get in the way, but it's hard, and the situation is bleak. The odds are not in our favor.
"By my count, there are about eight guys in here, including Vito," I tell him.
"Probably another half dozen outside." He sighs. "Doesn't look good."
I look at him, and he turns to look at me, and in that look, we both accept the truth.
"I don't want to die with anything hanging in the air between us," I say.
"Me either."
"I know you have no reason to believe me, but I love you, Franco Morelli. It's always been you, and I know it may seem hard to believe, but I would give my life for you. I would never betray you or your family. No matter what the price or what Vito offers me." I blink the tears away quickly and look up toward the skylights above us.
"What about our child?" he asks.
It's been hours, and my leg is starting to get numb. I pull myself to a standing position.
"Sit down!" one of Vito's men yells. Vito comes over.
"What's going on?"
"This bitch is getting twitchy. She's standing up and won't sit down," he tells Vito.
"My leg's falling asleep. I'm carrying more weight than usual if you can't tell, stupido!"
"Who you calling stupid you..."
"Basta!" Vito yells, and the guy backs off. "Just watch her. No sudden moves you!" he says, looking at me. "I know you're one of the best, but so is Dino here, and he won't think twice about blowing you and that bastard you're carrying away."
I walk back and forth, stomping my leg as I go. I'm trying to buy time and get the lay of the warehouse. The skylights above me gave me an idea, but I can't tell Franco without drawing attention. He's shackled to a workbench with handcuffs. There's no way he'll be able to get free.
Vito wouldn't allow them to shackle me because he probably has some bizarre torture in mind, or he's hoping to get me to turn on the Morellis and break Franco's heart. That's the one thing all these guys lived for—the power over life and death and bringing another man to his knees.
It's not enough to kill them. No! That's too easy. They need to destroy each other and bring them to their knees. I figured that out a while ago while taking people out. The marks are always low-level "obstacles". People who can disrupt business, those who've grown a conscience or just want to get out like me. To truly ruin men like Franco and Marco, you need to take everything they know and love from them. Make them watch how loved ones are mowed down, their businesses are destroyed, and the final nail in the coffin, the final thing to break a don, betrayal from those he loves.
The code amongst these men is simple: honor and loyalty, family first, and take care of those who take care of you. That's why Vito is so successful and has made a name for himself and his organization in such a short time. He knows all their rules and uses them against them. He's the antithesis of everything they stand for—one of them, but only in terms of his bloodline.
There are rumors about why he is the pariah, and some people believe it's because he's the illegitimate son of one of the great dons. He was never recognized by his father and ignored by his siblings because his mother was a prostitute. He's even been fingered in the slayings of a number of high-class hookers because of it. Why the Morellis? I don't know, but I will fight to the death to protect my Morelli man and his child.
I walked away from this life for a reason. I was becoming too good at it, and it was beginning to steal my humanity. Vito doesn't care about me or my child, but he'll use us any way he can to stick it to Franco and his family. I can't let that happen, and I need to return to the Aria, who was the most in-demand fixer for the families. Even though I hated it, I was good at it. I left her a long time ago, but I need her now to save this little ember of my life, which I may still be able to have if Franco forgives me.
The guard comes back inside to update Vito, but he's not alone. His men bring a few hooded men in with them, and it soon becomes clear that it's Marco and his bodyguards.
Vito applauds with joy at the sudden shift in his fortunes.
"This is wonderful!" He's practically floating, he's so giddy. "Two for the price of one."