I hurry outside. "Donald, this better be good."

"Yeah, boss, I did the background check on your girl, and there's nothing," he says.

"That couldn't wait?" I snap.

"No, boss. You don't understand. There's nothing. There's nothing on her whatsoever. It's like she didn't exist before a few weeks ago. Someone's buried her information so deep I can't even get to it."

"Hmm." I turn to see a guy in a suit enter the wedding boutique, and something just doesn't feel right.

"Donald, I'll call you back." I hang up and head into the boutique. As I walk in, I see the guy pull a knife out from his back pocket as he walks with purpose toward Aria.

I take out my gun and fire without another thought.

The guy falls to the ground, and everyone in the store screams. Louise runs around, calming everyone down, and then glares at me. "You know weapons aren't allowed in my store."

"He had a knife," I say, walking over to the body and kicking the knife out. "I had to protect Aria."

"He was after me?" Aria says quietly.

I walk over to her. "You okay?" I offer her my hand and help her off the platform.

"Yes, I'm fine... thank you, Franco." She bites her lip and looks up at me. "You saved my life."

"It's why I'm here," I say quietly. For a moment, there is nobody, no one else in the room. My eyes are locked on hers, and all I want is for her to be okay.

"Franco, you best get rid of this body before the police show up," Louise says as she ushers her assistants to the back.

I take out my phone and dial Marido. "Where are you?"

"On our way back. What's up?" he asks.

"Someone tried to hurt Aria. I need his body taken away. Call Donald and arrange it for the two of you. I'm taking Aria home."

"Sure thing, boss," he says before he hangs up.

Aria goes to the back to change. I'm more alert now, more on guard. I scan the front windows carefully, watching out for any potential threat. Marido comes in, still carrying the damn hotdogs and sodas.

I take them from him. "Hurry up."

"Donald's on his way," Marido says sheepishly. "Jarod here is going to take the body out back and wait for him. I'll drive you back to the estate."

Aria comes out from the dressing room. "What about the cake tasting?"

"I'll have the samples brought to the house," I say, taking out my phone and sending a text to my mother. "It's fine."

Aria nods, and I take her hand. "Come on."

I lead her back to the car and help her in. Marido and I get in, and we drive straight back to the house while I arrange with my mother over text for the cake samples to be delivered whenever they can.

"Franco," Aria says quietly. "How'd you know that man was there to hurt me?"

"When you do this as long as I have," I say, 'you learn to trust your gut."

"And they want to hurt me because I am marrying Marco?" she asks.

"They probably wanted to kidnap you, hold you ransom so Marco would pay. Otherwise, yes, they were there to hurt you. To get to him. It would be a huge slight to him if someone were to attack anyone in his family, even if you aren't married yet."

"So I am just his possession?" she asks softly. I can hear the hurt in her voice, but then there's something else when she next speaks—a strength. "I intend to prove myself to the family. I can be of use."