"It just ended," I say. "Your little frantic naked chicken routine helped distract me. Thanks." He laughs.
"No jokes, no babe. Please." He looks at the timer. "Let me know..."
"Ooooh," I let out a huge groan of pain, and he starts to really freak out.
"Ok. We're going to the hospital. I'm going to call the doctor. No, I need to get your bag....no I need to..."
"Franco..." I say as calmly as I can muster.
"Yes, babe!?" He looks at me, and I get a glimpse of the little boy he once was and that our sons will be in a few years. My heart melts, and it calms me instantly. I walk over to where my hospital bag is and hand it to him. I lift my hands to his face. "Don't be afraid. We've got this. We're going to be okay."
He calls the doctor, who tells him to get to the hospital and he'll meet us there.
"Doctor says he'll call ahead and let the hospital know." He tries to smile to make me feel that he's calm and in control, but I can see right through it. He's so afraid.
I have to stop Franco from speeding by controlling my screams. The more intense they become, the more it panics him. We pull up in front of the glistening glass and aluminum sliding doors of St. Catherine's Hospital, and the orderly waits for us.
We're admitted very quickly, and the speed and efficiency with which we're being handled help calm Franco even further.
"First-time dad?" the nurse asks as she takes my vitals and gives me a cursory exam. "Everything's fine. Your wife and the babies are doing well. It shouldn't be long now, Mr. Morelli. Just calm down."
"Trust me, sister, this is him calm." We both laugh.
"Dr. Lowenstein is on his way, and you're doing well. You're almost at the second station, and you're all hooked up so we can monitor both you and the babies. We'll take you into delivery as soon as you're at full station, which should be in a little bit." She smiles. "Enjoy your last few moments as a duo, mommy and daddy. It's going to get wild from here."
"Now you're scaring me, nurse," I say.
"Oh, no need. Trust me. It's wild, but it's the best ride you'll ever get on in your life." She smiles, and I believe her. Franco comes over to me once she leaves. He looks sheepish, as though he's done something wrong. "What's wrong?" I ask through breathing exercises and spasms of pain. It's almost one long contraction now.
"I didn't realize that it would be so painful for you."
I laugh. "Oh, my love. This is all worth it. But I might swear at you later and threaten to shoot you if you ever come near me."
He laughs. "I wish I could lie next to you, getting a full body wax." He laughs, but it disappears the minute the next contraction hits.
"Hey. What are you thinking about in terms of names? Godparents?" I ask.
"I don't know. I don't have much in the way of friends," he laments.
"What about Giulia as their godmother?" I ask, and his face brightens.
"Really? You'd want my sister to be the godmother to our kids?"
"Yes. She'd be amazing." As if on cue, Giulia appears at the door, her arms overflowing with gifts for her soon-to-be-born nephews. She has some cigars for Dad and treats for me.
"Are they here yet? Are my nephews here?" She beams.
"Not yet," Franco answers.
"Great. I didn't miss anything. I'm so excited I can't stand myself." Even though it's early hours of the morning, she's dressed impeccably.
Dr. Lowenstein enters, and the two of them lock eyes. If I'm not mistaken, and if I wasn't in agony, I'd swear that something passed between them.
"Dr. Lowenstein, this is my sister-in-law Giulia. She's single," I say because I have no more fucks left to give. They both turn bright red and I know that I was right. They both smile and exchange handshakes before he becomes all work and examines me.
"Mrs. Morelli, you're at full station. We need to get you into the delivery room." He turns to us. "Your sister-in-law can come too if she wants, and it's ok with you," he says, giving Giulia a wry smile.