I force a smile. “Okay.”

I remain seated for a while once they’re gone, and loneliness fills me. How did I get here? Would I change it if I could go back? I raise my chin and leave the table. I’m strong. I can do this. Even if tears threaten the corner of my eyes.


Chapter 5


During the entire breakfast, Aria steals glances in my direction.

I leave the mansion hurriedly, trying to get away from her. I find myself irritatingly attracted to her. I heard her last night in her room when she moaned. I can guess what she got up to.

I wonder if she heard me.

If she heard me call out her name as I came.

I chuckle as I walk to the car. "Marido, Marco wants us down at the laundromat. Double time."

I slip into the passenger seat of the car as Marido gets into the driver’s side. He starts the car and quickly pulls off and into traffic. He weaves his way through, not caring much for the other vehicles on the road. He has his orders.

He pulls into the alleyway next to the back entrance of the laundromat, and I slip out. I walk to the door and swing it open. "What are you lazy fuckers doing?" I say.

Marco looks up from the table where they're counting money. "Working, something you wouldn't know about while you're babysitting."

"Is that why you called me down here? To insult me? You could have just sent a text." God, he's irritating.

I imagine him with Aria and it sets my blood boiling.

"I need you to run an errand for the family," he says. "Something that needs your gentle touch."

"Of course, anything."

"It'll be ready in about fifteen minutes. I need you to deliver some money to the other side of town. I can't trust anyone else to make sure that this reaches the correct person."

"You know I will," I say with a shit-faced grin.

"How is Aria after that attack?" he asks.

I flush a little. "She's uh, she's cool. Taking it well."

Marco frowns. "You sure? I can't have her stressed out if we're going to make a baby."

"Make a baby?" I pull a face at him. "Wait, what?"

"This attack on her makes me realize how important it is to have an heir, more than one even, as quickly as possible. As soon as the wedding is done, I'll start my family." Marco looks at me seriously. "You should consider the same?"

"What? Having heirs with your wife?" I joke, although the thought makes my heart race a little.

"Very funny asshole," he says. Donald walks over with a suitcase and hands it to me. "This needs to reach Don Cilo. Make sure it does. Also, Donald says the guy who attacked Aria was Don Vito's man. See what you can find out about what he wants with our family."

Don Vito, I think that's strange.

"We have no beef with the man," I say.

"When territory is involved, there is always beef." Marco shrugs. 'I'm going to the casino now. I have someone to see."

"You mean someone to fuck, practicing for those heirs, am I right?" I shake my head and walk out of the building. I climb into the car and wave my hand. "Let's get to Don Cilo's estate. I have a delivery to do."