I wriggle free of Giulia and go around the table to sit on the opposite side of Franco. Giulia comes to sit beside me. The table is laden with things—as it is every morning—but today, there are bowls of fruit as well.
Claira comes in as I reach to pour myself a coffee, and she gives me a withering look. I hesitate, wondering if I should have waited for her to pour it for me. The maid sets a steaming bowl of oats in front of Franco and proceeds to ignore me, so I continue with my coffee.
Dishes clink as everyone dishes up their food. Giulia helps herself to bacon, eggs, and sausage, while Franco goes for the oats, which he mixes with milk and sugar and then adds a generous amount of blueberries.
“I love blueberries,” I say before I can stop myself.
Franco looks up at me with a genuine smile. “They are my favorite,” he admits.
“Mine, too,” I mumble, suddenly not so sure why I opened my big mouth.
“Aww, you see?” Giulia gushes. “You two have something in common. It’s perfect.”
Franco and I both glare at her as she beams and then sticks another forkful of food in her mouth.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Franco asks.
Guilia shrugs but doesn’t answer as she chews her mouthful.
I look down at my plate of toast, a fried egg, and a selection of fruit. I sip my coffee and eat in silence for a while as Franco and Guilia exchange laden glances. Things have gotten very awkward all of a sudden.
Claira comes and goes several times with fresh coffee, more fruit, or to take dirty plates away, but she’s hardly a distraction. Franco finishes his oats and wipes his mouth on a napkin. His 5 o’clock shadow seems more pronounced this morning, or maybe that’s just my imagination.
I look away and concentrate on my food. I know how to act aloof or calm and collected, but Franco somehow gets under my skin. I swear my panties are wet just sitting here at the breakfast table, stealing glances at him.
What the hell is happening to me? I take a deep breath, but when I look up through my eyelashes, Franco is watching me. I nearly choke on the piece of pear I just put in my mouth.
Giulia thumps me on the back. “Are you alright?” she asks.
“Yeah.” I cough. “Yeah, all good.”
Franco chuckles across the table, but he doesn’t say anything. I glower at him but return to my food and finish it quickly. Giulia discusses some business with Franco for a moment, and I sit very still to listen. I’m not sure she’s supposed to discuss business in front of me.
It’s not something of great consequence—some of the dryers at the laundromat need to be repaired—but the fact that Franco allows his sister to discuss it in front of me makes me wonder. As far as they know, I know nothing of their world. And I shouldn’t be privy to conversations about business. Well, at least not until I officially belong to the family.
The discussion soon ends, and they talk about what’s happening for the rest of the day.
Franco leans back in his chair. “I have a job to do for Marco, so I’ll be out this afternoon,” he says. “So I can’t be here when the confectioners come for the cake testing.”
I realize he’s speaking to me, so I look up. Our eyes meet, and I think he looks disappointed.
“Yes.” He grins. “They specialize in fancy cakes and confections. I’m sure you’re going to love what they have to offer.”
“No expense spared, I see,” I mumble more to myself than as a reply.
“Marco wants you to have the best,” Franco says.
Giulia grunts, somewhat unladylike, and I giggle. Franco glowers at us.
“Thanks, Franco. I’m sure I’ll find the perfect wedding cake.”
He looks at me for a long moment. I keep my face neutral, not at all matching the snide tone I used to answer him.
He sighs. “I must go. Marco is expecting me. I’ll see you later.” He gets up, pockets his phone, and leaves the room without a backward glance.
“I must also go. I have an appointment,” Giulia says. “But I’ll see you later, okay?”