That wrath was why I’d left him in the first place. No way in hell I was going to give that asshole another punching bag, and especially not a child of mine.
The young women had been right. There were all kinds of mating situations highlighted on the app. Monsters seeking breeders. Monsters seeking mates. Shifters seeking one mate. Two mates. Multiple mates. Humans seeking shifters. Humans seeking monsters. Some looking for someone to turn them into a shifter. Latent shifters. This place was the hub for anyone seeking a mate, and for a myriad of reasons.
Dragons could protect me from Killian and his entire pack with one blow of fire from their mouths.
While I finished my food, I signed up for the app, making my intentions clear. The last thing I wanted was to enter into a setup, mating with dragons thinking I was trying to manipulate them.
Human female, pregnant from ex mate, seeks two dragon mates for protection and mating.
“Mind bussing those tables?” Bessie asked, chuckling as she looked over my shoulder.
“Or are you looking at dragon porn?”
I pushed the phone into my pocket after posting my note on my profile. There were a ton of questions I hadn’t answered, but I would do that later.
After my shift was over, I ate the meatloaf and mashed potatoes Bessie served up for me and showered. The hot water poured over my body, loosening my muscles a bit, but I wouldn’t ever really relax until my little one and I were safe or Killian was dead.
Then I settled in to finish my profile. I hit the complete button with a little prayer to any god who might be listening. I needed a safe haven for me and my young.
Before I fell asleep, there was a call on my phone. Tears ran down my face as I reached for it. A number I knew well flashed on the screen of the burner phone bought at a gas station.
He was already here, and his hunt had begun.
Chapter Two
I ran my hand over my shortish mohawk once we stepped inside our lair and breathed out a long sigh.
My dragon was most himself at home, and so were we.
“You know what’s crazy?” Keir said, setting down his bags neatly in a row, by size, the largest at his feet. “When we’re home, I’m itching to go fly or go on a new job and then, a week into the job, my dragon wants to go home. Can’t win with the beast inside me.”
“Same here.” I kicked off my shoes and removed my suit jacket. The other thing I liked about being home? Not having to wear much. My dragon ran hot and, even in human form, my body stayed at a higher temperature than even most shifters. We wore the suits because of our profession, but the damned things made a trickle of sweat run down my back, in even the most wintery of places.
Keir picked up my shoes and his and placed them into the organizer by the front door. “I’m starving. Should we cook, or you want to order in?”
He already knew the answer. My dragon wasn’t fond of eating out, and especially not fast food. No matter how much we ate of it, we were never satisfied. “I can run out and get some steaks. Chops. Grill outside and save some of the cleanup.”
“I’ll go with you. You never pick up any good vegetables.”
I chuckled. “That’s because I hate vegetables. What’s the use in them anyway?”
He shook his head. “Fiber, my friend. Besides, if you add enough butter and garlic, they all taste good. Meet here in ten minutes. We’ll take the Land Rover.”
Our home had two wings off the main living areas and an upstairs suite. I glanced up at the landing, only accessible by a spiral staircase on either side. My wing was on the north side. A huge bedroom with an en suite, a closet, and spacious office. Keir’s was the same as mine, but he chose to have a larger closet and a smaller office. My office contained a mini theater, whereas his closet looked like it belonged to a fashion designer.
I tossed the bags onto my bed and made my way to the dresser. I would have to wear a shirt to the market, but that would be the end of it for my time at home. I picked out a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt with our logo on it and a pair of hi-top sneakers and put them on, cursing the suit in the process. Once I was dressed, I grabbed my sunglasses, wallet, and keys. If Keir thought he was driving my Land Rover, he had another thing coming.
When I left my wing, I saw Keir standing in the living room. He wasn’t the type to play idly on his phone but instead, he stared at the upstairs of our home.
Upstairs was the mating suite.
It would be where we would spend our nights with our mates. Of course, we all had separate bedrooms because everyone needed private time, even mated throuples, but this very special suite remained empty.
Didn’t even know why we built it in the first place. We selected a mate, but things had gone south, and since her, there had been no other.
We were happy and then heartbroken.