Chapter Twelve


I thought I could keep this to myself a bit longer, but clearly that wasn’t the case. It was ridiculous how long I stayed with him. If I hadn’t fallen pregnant, I might still be with him. Would I? I hoped not, but I hadn’t made a move to leave before the pregnancy, so it really had me thinking that was true.

“I have this baby to thank for leaving,” I began. “When we were first together, he was so charming and nice. All about compliments and small, romantic celebrations. But it didn’t last long—just long enough for me to feel like we were moving forward together in life and for him to figure out how to get in my head.”

Although I had left and knew he was bad and really did credit him with helping me to see through the bad people in life, as I told the guys my story in detail, my stomach churned and the delicious food was not settling well. How gullible had I been? And was I still? Everything in me said they were amazing, but…

They didn’t say anything but kept eating and letting me speak. That alone was different. Even at the beginning, he’d interrupted me, corrected me, just did it in a tone that gave the impression he was “helping” me. At several years older, he had greater experience, or so he claimed.

“Once he was sure of me, he began to be very controlling, money, people, everything. He nudged me not to spend time with other people. Oh, not that they were bad, but we were busy, or I looked too tired to go out. When we were invited somewhere, he had already made plans for us to do something fun like an amusement park or the theater or a weekend away…plans that rarely happened, somehow. Soon, people stopped asking, and I wonder now if there was even more going on. If he was pushing them away when they called on the phone or stopped by?”

Nix speared a roasted potato, shaking his head. “I think it would be a good idea for you to call your friends and ask, but wait just a little bit until we resolve all of this, okay?”

“I would think you were also trying to keep me away, if it didn’t make perfect sense. Keeping my baby safe is my priority, and I can’t take any chances.”

“No. But you have been isolated for a long time, so we will do our best to make it possible for you to live free, with or without us.”

My vision blurred with tears at Keir’s kindness. His willingness to not only let me decide whether to be with them after we got to know each other but desire for me to lead a full life. “I think you’d like my friends.”

Nix reached across the table to take my hand. “If they’re like you, I am sure we will. Just have some patience with us.”

I laughed. “I was going to ask the same thing of you two. Patience…”

“So, tell us about when you left.” He continued to hold my hand, and I didn’t try to pull away. His grip was warm and reassuring.

“I missed my period, which actually wasn’t weird since I had not been on a normal cycle for a while. So I attributed it to stress, but when other signs crept up, I went to the free clinic and got tested.” I swallowed around the lump in my throat that swelled at the memories of that time. “I didn’t have any money to buy a test. He controlled all the money.”

Nix’s grip tightened, and Keir reached for my other hand. Their eyes went from soft and caring to what I could only describe as dragon eyes, ablaze with flames. But they did not interrupt.

“I got my results and went home, terrified. Not only could this baby tie me to him forever, but the damage someone like him could do to an infant, a child? What if it is a girl? He’d destroy her sense of self. And he’d turn a boy into himself. What if he struck either of them? Or confined them? Denied them food?”

“He did those things to you?”

I nodded.

With the reassurance of their hands holding mine, I went on. “I didn’t have time to pack, but I ransacked the house for money and found a small amount in his desk. I left just about everything behind except my purse, my phone, and my car.”

“He had become so controlling that I was afraid he would kill me, and yet I didn’t leave until I had the baby to worry about. What does that say about me?”

“It says you put others ahead of yourself.” Nix released my hand and stood up. “Which is good as far as it goes, but you need to recognize your own value. My dragon is already captivated by you.” He began to clear the table.

“I should do that. You both cooked.”

Keir held onto my hand. “It’s Nix’s turn tonight. Mine is tomorrow.”

“And when is mine?”

“You can enter the chore rotation when you decide to stay forever.”

Tears spilled over. “Don’t say things like that. You just met me.”

“My dragon also wants you in our life.” Keir lifted my hand and turned it over. He pressed a kiss into my palm. “And he can be very convincing. Now, you’ve had a very long day and need to sleep. Come on.” He rounded the table and helped me to my feet.

“I’m not so pregnant I can’t stand up. Not yet anyway.”

“Just let us enjoy you.”