Keir put away his document as Madden said we were about to take off. We had no flight attendants on the plane, and Keir didn’t like us drinking or eating on it. Having it cleaned cost a fortune was his claim against it.
If given my way, I’d have a full stack of waffles in front of me.
I wondered if Iris had eaten that morning. If she was nervous or scared that she had made the wrong decision.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Keir said with a smile.
I closed my eyes and pictured her. Long blonde hair. Deep-brown eyes. A smile that made my insides feel like mush but at the same time caused my dragon to puff out his chest. She called out for him without words. He wanted to be strong for her. Protect her. Guard her with his life and keep her in his lair.
My dragon’s decision had already been made.
She belonged to us.
“She’s stunning,” I admitted for the first time out loud.
We didn’t speak for a while until we were securely in the air. It would only take two hours to get to the airport near her and, while that wasn’t much in terms of a flight time, it seemed like an eternity.
“What kind of asshole—” Keir threw up his hands. “She’s scared. Did you see the way she jumped when someone knocked on the door?”
“I did.”
This was Keir venting. He did that from time to time. He regurgitated details and events to get a better hold on them. To somehow understand what was happening in a different light. Sometimes I offered advice or my input, but mostly I listened.
Once he was done, his head would be clear.
We needed a clear head to make sure Iris got the protection and care she needed.
“She had bear spray in her purse. It was open right next to her on the table. Like she could never let her guard down. What kind of life is that? Always living on the edge? Having no one to turn to. What if something happened to her in the night, Nix? Have you talked to her?”
I turned my phone around to show him I’d already sent Iris a good morning message and she had replied. She was packed and ready.
“Oh. Good. I’ve been watching the GPS on the driver. He just left her apartment.”
I checked my phone for the time. “Right on time. Everything is going to be fine, Keir.”
He growled a bit. “It’s only going to be fine once she’s on this plane with us. Until then, she’s still a target, and we don’t even know who is chasing her. I mean, we know it’s her ex, but no names or even what kind of shifter he is. He didn’t marry her legally, so there’s no one tied to her on her background check.”
Yeah, we’d done a background check on Iris. Not because we didn’t trust the things she said to us but more to find out who the jerk was who did this to her.
It came up empty.
She didn’t even have much of a credit history.
“She must’ve been terrified, leaving him and knowing she would have to be a single parent and probably always be chased by him? What if he found out about the baby? What would she have done if he took her to court or even took them?”
I let him go on and on, getting it out of his system.
“We’re landing,” I said, my dragon feeling the loss of altitude. Terrible thing, flying on a plane when there were perfectly good wings hiding inside me.
“She’s already there.” He sat up straighter. “I texted her.”
“Good. A few more minutes, and she’s safe.”
Chapter Ten
I hated leaving Bessie in the lurch, but it was to her benefit as well. She was in danger while I was under her roof either for working or living, and it made leaving easier. A little. She’d been so good to me. I swore I would do anything I could to thank her for her kindness as soon as I was in a position to do anything for anyone.