There she is.
Right on time. Here to personally order another load of my special, best-in-the-business, homemade, organic cream. She says it’s for her bakery she’s starting and that she only wants the best. And everyone here in Greensboro, Vermont knows that my cream–Luscious Acres Farm–is the best of the best.
No one else’s cream can match my taste, my sweetness, my consistency, or what you get for your price. My cream and my milk are organic, made from humanely raised, grass-fed cows that are free to roam wherever they please. No other farm in Vermont can make that claim. Hell, hardly any other farm in America is willing to treat their animals with the care that I treat mine.
But right now, my cows aren’t on my mind. What’s on my mind is the gorgeous woman walking through my front door.
Luna. I’ve been lusting over her for weeks now. Ever since the first day she showed up here with her first purchase order.
She may be average height for a woman, but that’s about the only average thing about her.
She has a face that the world’s greatest painters would die for an attempt to replicate with their brushes, with twisted locks of strawberry blond hair waterfalling down her neck and spilling over her shoulders.
Her curves hypnotize me every time I see them. The sports bra she’s wearing does nothing to hide her ample breasts nearly spilling out from her blouse. And there’s nothing she can do to conceal those lush, baby-making hips that sway back and forth as she walks up to where Claire, my secretary, is seated at the front desk.
Christ, the things I’d do to her.
It’s ironic that a job I never wanted is what led me to moments like these–the best moments of my weeks when Luna strides through my front door like a goddess of femininity.
I’ve been wanting to go over and talk to her for a while now, but she just so happens to be the daughter of Jeff Fairley, a major bastard who owns a chain of supermarkets in the northeast. Getting involved with his daughter could be a not-so-good decision as far as business goes. And that’s why I’ve been avoiding her.
But goddamn is she wearing an unbelievable outfit today: heels that add even more sway to her hips (which I didn’t think was possible), black tapered pants that look like they were painted on, and a white blouse that looks like it’s ready to burst off of her tits.
She looks like the dictionary definition of sex yet somehow still manages to pull off the businesswoman style.
That’s it. I don’t care who her father is. I’m going over.
“And will your order be the same as the last?” I hear Claire ask as I approach the desk.
“I’ll take it from here, Claire,” I say with a smile, extending my hand to Luna. “Brent Carnell.”
Luna’s eyes sparkle as she shifts her gaze to me. “Luna Fairley,” she replies, taking my hand. Her skin is as soft as the butter we make here at the factory and warm like a heated blanket. I immediately picture us naked beneath the sheets together, wrapped in each other’s arms.
“You like to do it the old-fashioned way, I see.”
Luna blinks, and I feel her hand twitch in my grip as her lips part slightly in surprise. “Eh-excuse me?”
“Your purchase orders,” I clarify. “Most of my clients just do them electronically. But you come down here in person. Why is that?”
“Oh!” She laughs, igniting my senses with an energy like a thousand butterflies filled with lightning just flew through me. “I’m just not into all that new stuff. I find it much easier and efficient to get things done face to face.”
“I agree.” I nod. “I regret we’ve never met before. Running a farm like this takes a lot of work.”
“I can imagine.” Her eyes are radiant. No woman has ever gripped me like this in my life. A scent is radiating off her as well, and not perfume. It’s like my body has picked up on her pheromones, and something primal inside me is screaming at me to breed her now.
“I see you order our cream. How about a private tasting tour? Our cream may be sweet, but it’s even sweeter and more delicious when it’s as fresh as it is now.”
For a brief second, Luna’s eyes flash down to Claire, as if looking for a secondary seal of approval.
“It really is,” Claire chimes in with a smile. I knew there was a reason I pay her ten-thousand a year more than the national average for secretaries.
“Sure!” Luna replies. “Great! That sounds wonderful.”