Page 51 of Kayak Girl

“I’ve missed you more than words can say,” he whispered against my lips, his voice thick with emotion.

“I never stopped thinking of you,” I replied, each word imbued with all the love I felt for him.

The unbearable tension snapped like a cord stretched too tight, and I found myself reaching for him. My fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him to me with a desperation I could no longer contain. And then he was there, his lips crashing against mine with a fervor that spoke of all the love and passion I’d heard in his words just moments ago. Every second we’d been apart seemed to dissolve, replaced by the here and now.

As we finally parted, breathless and hearts racing, I gazed into his eyes, seeing the reflection of my own feelings mirrored there. I loved Gray with an intensity that transcended words, and in that moment, I knew he loved me just as fiercely.

He squeezed my shoulders and place a kiss on my forehead. “I know it’s late, but I’m not ready to let you go just yet. Any chance you might be up for a movie? I tried watching your favorite movie a few days ago to see if I could figure out why you liked it. But, I couldn’t get more than five minutes in; it just made me think of you too much. It’s right at the top of the ‘Continue Watching’ list so we don’t have to waste time looking for a movie.”

My eyebrows raised in surprise and amusement. “You attempted to watch Pride and Prejudice?”

He nodded with a sheepish smile.

“I’d love to watch it with you,” I said.

Gray set up the cushions and blankets so we could both lie with our heads facing the TV. I had to be tucked against him so that we could fit, but I wasn’t complaining. Gray breathed a sigh of relief.

As I nestled into Gray’s familiar embrace, the opening scenes of Pride and Prejudice began to unfold before us. I could feel my nerves about the future untangling gradually as I allowed myself to become entrapped in the elegant dances and stolen glances that adorned the screen. It was as if the vivid portrayals of love from my favorite movie were nudging my own apprehensions aside, whispering encouragements to my heart.

Every so often, I stole a glance at him, wondering if the story unfurling before us was stirring the same sense of love in him as it was in me. I’d catch a soft smile playing on his lips, or a contemplative furrow on his brow, and whenever he caught me looking at him, he’d respond with placing a kiss on my shoulder. In those moments, my heart danced, teetering on the brink of hope and romantic daydreams. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

Thank you, God, I silently prayed. Thank you for bringing Gray into my life, for the laughter and love he’s brought with him. I can’t wait to see what You have in store for our future. My gaze returned to the screen, but my thoughts lingered on Gray, on us, and on the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

Chapter 38

Six Months Later…


The late winter winds of Hilton Head Island ruffled the curtains in my office, offering a cool contrast to the warmth of my thoughts. Over the past few months, Elle and I had grown closer not only in love but also in our shared vision for the future. It amazed me how seamlessly our lives and dreams intertwined. From discussing the potential of a future children’s ministry to the excitement of raising kids one day, we were on the same page.

There was something so thrilling about planning adventures with Elle. We reveled in the serenity of our kayak sessions, the gentle strokes of our paddles often the only sound disturbing the mirror-like stillness of the waterways. During her road trip, whenever I camped with her in my newly acquired tent, the world faded, leaving just the two of us cocooned in our little universe. Those memories kept me going on the days we were apart.

I was scrolling through our recent photos when my phone vibrated. My heart missed a beat as I saw her name pop up on the screen. I answered, a smile spreading across my face. “Hello beautiful.” Every time I spoke to Elle, I was reminded of the inexplicable pull she had on me. I was utterly hooked.

Her bubbly voice filled my ear. “Gray, you won’t believe what just happened!”

I leaned back in my chair, intrigued. “Tell me.”

“I just got a call from Kayak Kingdom. They’re the company I’ve been blogging for, remember?”


“They’ve been eyeing the pictures I’ve been sharing of us. And Gray, they’re in love with them!” The words tumbled out of her in a rush of excitement. I could picture her flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes.

“That’s awesome, babe. I’m assuming there’s an ‘and’ coming?”

“And… they just offered us a full year of sponsored kayaking around the world.”

“What? That’s insane. What do you mean us?”

“They want a couple to promote their brand. They have a whole world tour planned. And they want us.” She hesitated for a moment before asking, “Do you think it’s something we should consider? They want us to start the trip in March.”

This news of a sponsored kayaking trip caught me off guard. The chance to explore the world with Elle, doing something we loved, was more than I could’ve hoped for. I took a minute to process the implications of this, and my thoughts quickly centered on our upcoming wedding. “Wow, it’s an amazing opportunity. It sounds like something I’d love to do with you, my girl. But the only thing on my mind right now is I don’t want to push our wedding date out.” I remembered the day I’d proposed, the dreams we’d shared. A long engagement had seemed perfect then, allowing us time to grow and plan. But now, the thought of pushing out our wedding by another year seemed unbearable. “If we decide to do something like this, do you think we could get married before? It would make everything easier with accommodation. Plus, I am desperate to call you my wife.”

“I was hoping you’d say that. I know I said I wanted a long engagement,” she said, her voice wavering just a tad, hinting at her internal struggles and desires. “But Gray, deep down, with every fiber of my being, I believe you’re the only man for me. I’d love to get married to you sooner.”

The reality that we could be married in the very near future sent a thrill through me. It’d be a whirlwind for sure, but with Elle by my side, I had no doubts. We were ready.