"Ohmygodthesetastesogood." It takes me a moment to process her words, garbled as they come out, but it's a joy to watch her lips turn dark red from the berry juice. She's irresistible and I want nothing but to drizzle all sorts of delectable treats over her naked body and lick her clean, but for the third time, I hold myself back.
There should be an award for princes who go against all their natural instincts and restrain themselves.
"What on earth are these?" Alexandra asks as she delicately rips into a dragon fruit with her fingertips. She leans over the tray to pop the morsel into her mouth and a stray drop of juice lands on her chin. She squeals and brings the back of her hand to her lips while searching the tray for something.
“What are you looking for?”
“Didn’t they give us napkins or something?”
Napkins? Is that some variation of stealing goats again?
Alexandra sees the confused expression on my face and rolls her eyes. “Never mind. I shouldn’t be surprised that you barbarians don’t use napkins.” She lifts another piece of dragon fruit to her mouth and moans low and throaty.
The sound goes straight to my already hard dick. "You like them?"
"Mm-hmm. They're so good. I’m starving."
She’s ravenous, which begs the question what else did Hailar keep from her before I walked through the door? Had my subjects starved the poor woman? That’s not a part of the mating ritual. Can I order their heads on a platter from in here?
But all thoughts of execution dissipate the longer I watch her, my princess, savoring the fruits of my planet, the goods of her new world. It's as if she's dropped a beautiful elaborate mask and I can finally see her true face. It's quite something.
"Aren't you going to eat something?" she asks and bites into a capsicum before I can warn her.
"I'm okay. Please enjoy whatever you like." Watching her is more than enough.
"Shoot, this is hot." She fans her face and sticks her tongue out. Her skin turns an adorable shade of pink.
"I was going to say..." I fill up a glass of mylk and offer it to her.
Her fingers brush mine and they send pulses of want through me. As if I needed any help in the department. But I resist myself and watch her down the glass.
A little drop of mylk falls on her gown making it thinner, and more pliable, giving me a perfect impression of her hard nipple underneath and I can't help the groan that escapes me.
“Oh my god, I’m a mess. What’s wrong with me?” She tries to wipe the spot away but only succeeds in getting more juice on the thin fabric. The transparent patch grows, sticking to the bare flesh underneath.
She blinks at the spot, her breaths coming in faster and shallower. Then she lifts her gaze to me, eyes filled with heat. It appears the aphrodisiac in the food works very rapidly.
"You like what you see?" Her voice is but a purr and it does nothing to satiate my hunger for her.
"Very much," I grumble.
She bites her lip and sets her glass down. Her gaze is pinned on me as she picks up a berry and presses it between her pouting lips as if she's teasing me. As if she knows the kind of effect she has on me. As if she knows how much I'm throbbing for her.
She bites into the berry and uses her tongue to suck on it and sweeps her eyes over the rest of my body. She stops at my groin area and lets out a muffled gasp.
"You like this, huh?" she asks although it's more of a statement.
I glance down and sure enough, my hard cock is making a tent out of my cloth.
"I want to drak you, my princess."
Well, no one said Aysgarthians are shy about our needs. That's why we rarely ever covered them.
Alexandra narrows her eyes and looks back at me. Her fingers graze past her chin, over her neck, and settled over the edge of her robe. She slides her hand down, the fabric parting under her guidance and revealing her perfect earthly skin underneath.
"You're playing with fire, princess."
"Maybe I like getting burned." She whispers and I feel her toes brushing my ankle, and calf, slowly making their way up my thigh.