Instead, I help her fill the bathtub with hot water and all kinds of oils and cleaning powders and it's not long before she and I are submerged in them. She sits with her back to me and I embrace her as my cock grows harder.
She lets out a moan and rests her head on my shoulders with her eyes closed and I do what any man in my situation would. I massage her clit and make her come as many times as I can before she's all spent and tired.
As she rests against me, I press a button on the bathtub controls and the tint on the walls dissipates giving us a perfect view of the infinite dark space outside.
Lottie hums and sits up.
"Wh—I… this..."
"Are you okay?" I ask her and push her hair to the side so I can kiss her nape, behind her ear. Trace her back with my eyes, take in every inch of her.
"This is beautiful," she says after a moment.
"Indeed," I reply and kiss along her shoulder.
"You know, for a brutal highness… you aren't very brutish." She says as I lavish her hands with my lips. "You may act all caveman-from-space but you're really just a softie."
Had anyone on my planet called me that they'd have been torn to pieces by my bare teeth but somehow, coming out of her mouth, it doesn't sound like an insult.
No. It doesn't sound offensive at all. If anything it sounds… sweet, which wasn't a word I'd ever thought I'd use to describe a person.
"Perhaps we're not so unlike, your people and mine," I offer.
"No. Perhaps not," she hums.
I kiss the other side of her body as my hands explore her curves, her tits, her pussy. Why can I not get enough of this woman? Why can't I stop?
"Hm," I answer, not stopping what I'm doing.
"You know I asked you to call me Lottie." I slide a finger in her and elicit a gasp out of her.
"I do," I mumble.
"I… there's a reason for that."
"Oh yeah?" I ask and slide another digit inside her.
"Yeah. I… I'm not..." she starts moving, grinding her body against my hand, driving me deeper into her.
"You're not?"
She swallows and turns to look at me.
"I'm not..." she starts but her eyes go wide and she looks behind me.
I follow her gaze and find the offending interruption.
Through the window above our heads appears a large, icy blue sphere in the distance.
"Is that..."
"Home," I tell her.
"That, right there, is Aysgoth."
She stares out into space, in Aysgoth's direction, and sighs.