"Not enough," she replies and drags me back to lips that taste so terribly decadent.
My cock is still hard and I line myself up with her pussy, determined to make sweet love to her, when the puppies start yapping in a high-pitched voice that drills down to my very brain.
"I hate these dogs!" I say and collapse on my wife who starts laughing.
"Are you telling me a little barking is going to stop the Aysgarthian king from claiming his wife?"
I grimace.
"No. But their pitiful faces will. They're too innocent to witness such debauchery."
Lottie gasps.
"Oh my, Thundar. Since when are you such a prude?"
"Me? A prude? Never."
"Then do your duty to your wife! I command it," she says and my cock jolts in response.
I get back into position when the intercom buzzes.
"For drak's sake!" I shout and Lottie dissolves back to contagious laughter.
"The gods don't want us to fuck today," she says as I get up to answer the door.
I don't even bother to cover myself or my state of desire.
Hailar's figure appears behind the door and he opens his mouth when he notices me and my wife behind me.
"I...I'm sorry to interrupt, Your Maj...Thundar." He blinks as he corrects himself.
Yet another change we've made since our wedding.
There's no reason for my best friend to be so formal at all times.
"Be quick about it. You can see I'm in the middle of something."
He nods.
"I just wanted to inform you I will be off-world for a few days."
"Ooh, don't tell me. You finally found your future mate?" Lottie coos behind me and makes a valiant effort to get up from the armchair but fails miserably.
"Indeed. I shall be leaving shortly."
"Where are you heading if I may ask?"
He licks his lips before replying to my wife.
"Earth, actually."
"Earth?" I ask.
"Yes, sir. Erm...Thundar."
I can't help but smirk at him.
"Great choice, Hailar. A piece of advice: brace yourself. Earth women are feisty, but that makes them all the more appetizing!"