His eyes fade into a blue so icy, they almost look white. “You are a servant.”

“Uh, no,” I object, a flash of indignation helping to calm my roiling stomach. “I’m not a servant. I’m an employee. There’s a huge difference.”

One that Thundar doesn’t seem to appreciate. He flies off the bed. “You lied to me!” he roars, pointing an accusing finger at me.

From the corner where Thing and Hailmak have been cuddling, they both jump at his outburst. Then Mak helps Thing climb up a bunch of furniture and they both disappear into a vent.

“I did. But in my defense, you abducted me,” I point out.

“Liberated you!”

I roll my eyes, fighting back my irritation at that word. “My point is, your men were stomping around, growling at everyone. I realized they were looking for the princess. What was I supposed to do? Tell them where to find her? I had to protect her!”

“So you lie and pretend to be someone you’re not?” he snarls.

The way he says it, like it’s the most despicable thing he’s ever heard, hurts way more than it should. But what did I expect? That he would laugh and brush it off and we’d waltz off into our happily ever after? Please, I know better than that.

“I had my reasons,” I say, hating how my voice is tight with emotions.

“I thought I knew you.”

The words are a knife right through my heart. But before I can respond, a chime rings.

“Your Brutal Highness, we are about to land,” Hailar’s voice comes from outside the door.

Thundar glares at me for a moment before letting out a growl and spinning on his heel. He stalks to the door, slams his palm on the pad next to it, and marches out without a backward glance.

I’m left sitting on the bed, shaking. What should I do now?

Hailar glances at me with a mix of confusion and amusement before following his prince. Behind him, Fiotrix pokes her head in.

She and her team of women have changed out of the ceremonial robes they wore during the interlude. Now they’re wearing bikinis similar to my own. But she’s holding a heavy fur cloak in her hands and she inches into the room.

“Princess, this is for you. His Brutal Highness reminded us that you will not be accustomed to the cold temperatures of Aysgoth.”

I stand on unsteady legs and let Fiotrix settle the cloak around my shoulders. It’s light, but it immediately envelopes me with warmth. She slips booties made of similar fur onto my feet.

I don’t want to leave the ship. I don’t want to go out there and face whatever fate is waiting for me. Will Thundar still want me as his queen? Will they take me back to Earth? I’m not sure which option I prefer anymore.

I follow Fiotrix down through the ship until we reach an open hatch. Cold wind blows through, so much colder than anything I’ve ever felt before. I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself, and take a step back.

I hit a wall of flesh. It’s Hailar, who grips my arms and propels me forward, giving me no choice but to step outside.

It’s a blistering, winter landscape. Snow blows in mini wind funnels and white sunlight reflects off the icy ground. There are mountains in the distance, covered in snow and ice, and across the large flat courtyard is an ice castle that rivals the most majestic structures in Europe.

Hailar forces me down the steps toward the rows of men who have gathered to greet the ship. They’re all big and blue, with long hair that wraps around their bodies. Like Thundar and Hailar, no one wears anything more than a loincloth, not even on their feet. But none of them look cold. In fact, they look like they sprouted directly from the frozen ground itself.

Thundar stands in front of an older man, speaking in those grunts and growls I’ve grown so used to. The older man sees me and Thundar turns to look at me too.

When Thundar’s gaze lands on me, it chills me more than the weather ever could. I go cold inside.

“Thundar,” I try to say, but the frigid wind steals my breath.

He turns away from me as if I’m nothing, as if we didn’t spend the past five days all wrapped up in each other. He flicks his hand and Hailar drags me away.

I don’t know where he’s taking me. Frankly, I don’t care. All I want is to find Thundar and explain. I want to sit him down so we can hash this out. He has to understand where I’m coming from. He has to believe that I care for him, that I love him. Despite how we met, despite his stupid false belief that he’s liberated me, and despite how infuriating some of the Aysgarthian ways are… I’ve grown to love their brute of a prince.

Hailar deposits me in a room in the castle. It’s not so different from Alexandra’s room in Kensington Palace. It’s more of a suite, a series of rooms that’s much too big for one person.