“Lottie,” he repeats, as if trying the name out for the first time. He nods once. “I like it. It suits you.”

Well, thank god for that. But he still hasn’t answered my question.

“There are other princesses, you know,” I say, bringing us back on topic. “On Earth, I mean. And probably on other planets too.”

As if I’m talking about other planets when a few hours ago I didn’t know there was life outside Earth. I mean, I didn’t know there wasn’t life outside Earth, but I couldn’t have imagined anything close to this.

His expression darkens into that glower that was so intimidating the first time I saw it. It still makes my heart beat a little harder, but strangely, not with fear. With want and heat and desire. I pull the two sides of my robe a little tighter around myself, shoving my reaction away. We can have more sex later. Right now I want answers.

“Yes, there are. But no one has ever liberated a bride from Earth before. I need a bride with enough standing to impress the royal council. If they don’t approve my coronation, the crown will pass to my cousin Dallvor.” He sneers at the last part.

“I take it you’re not a fan of Cousin Dallvor?”

Thundar huffs. “Dallvor is an antiquated brute.”

Look who’s talking.

“He would take Aysgoth back to the primal times when we were little more than animals.”

I have a hard time imagining how a people could get more primal than the Aysgarthians already are. Thundar’s the crown prince and he walks around in a loincloth and eats with his hands. They don’t even use napkins! But I keep that to myself. No point in antagonizing the guy when he’s already getting worked up about Cousin Dallvor.

Thundar rises from the bed, not even a tiny bit bothered by his dick swinging out in the open. The dog doesn’t move, watching Thundar from his spot on the bed.

“Aysgoth has a bit of a… reputation.” His hair flies out behind him, channeling his emotions. “We’re barbarians by heritage, but that doesn’t mean we must act like it. Not all disputes need to be settled by battle. Not all boys need to undergo warrior training. Not all women need to stay in the homestead, tending the children and warming our beds. Even this!” He gestures at me. “Marriage! Liberating brides! It’s such an archaic way to structure our society. We’ll never evolve as a species if we adhere so rigidly to our rituals.”

Okay. He’s upset. His voice is raised, his hands are waving through the air, and his hair is a freaking tornado around his head.

But he’s so very fucking hot right now.

A big, muscular, manly man ranting about progress, equal rights, and social justice? My pussy is dripping. I clamp my legs together as a shudder runs through me. A little whimper escapes my throat.

Thundar’s head snaps around and his gaze immediately heats as he takes me in. “You’re aroused.”

His head cocks as if this is confounding. “But all I’ve been doing is…” He stands up straighter, like he’s putting two and two together. “You agree with what I’ve said. You find it… attractive?”

I gulp. “Maybe.” The word comes out too husky to be convincing.

A slow, knowing smile spreads across Thundar’s face. “Only maybe? Are you certain?”

“No,” I admit, giving in to the desire coursing through me.

He comes to me, crowding into my personal space, and runs the back of his hand down my cheek. I lean into the touch, wanting his hands all over me again, wanting his hair to cover my skin.

A strange sound at the far side of the room makes me jump. The dog springs to all fours and growls at it too. But it’s just the service hatch where food gets passed to us. Thundar gives me another devastating smile before turning toward the hatch.

“Come, let’s see what provisions they’ve prepared for us this time.”

My stomach rumbles in anticipation. If it’s anything like the fruit they gave us yesterday, I’d eat the whole damn tray myself.

Thundar brings the food to the bed, setting it between us. He scoops up the dog and drops him to the floor, then takes one of the smaller bowls and sets it down in front of him. The dog happily starts chowing down on whatever passes for dog food for these aliens.

I’m really going to have to give the damn thing a name.

The rest of the food tray is filled with more of the red berries and the dragon fruit, plus two plates of what looks like roasted chicken and root vegetables.

“Phalanx and moon-grown legumes. We need all the nutrition to keep up our strength.” He picks up a leg of phalanx and hands it to me.

With no utensils in sight, I take it and carefully bite into the meat. Flavor bursts on my tongue, fragrant and rich. It kind of tastes like chicken, but like, the best chicken I’ve ever tasted in my life. I take another bite, then another. When there’s nothing left but bone, I drop it on the plate and grab another.