Although I was sure even if I said nothing, like I have now, Jonathan Masters would find a reason to be mad with me. Thankfully, the studio did get rid of him so the franchise can continue its rich legacy without that dickbag infecting everything with his toxicity.
"Of course. Of course. I hear you're not resting on your laurels despite taking a step back."
"Are you talking about my new movie?"
Kelly smiles and I chuckle.
"Yes, it's true. I decided to dip my toes into a new role as producer and I'm starting production on a movie based on Waverly Jones' scifi novels."
Kelly narrows her gaze and raises an eyebrow.
"It's a daring move. I hear those books are very...what's the term everyone is using these days? Spicy."
"They are."
"And they are very different. Romances between humans and aliens that look nothing like us. What prompted that initiative to bring them to the big screen?"
I look behind the camera, at the handsome blue man standing there, watching me as if I'm his entire world and my breath catches in my throat for a moment.
"Well," I start. "It's a very popular genre with romance readers. But I also love the idea of two people that couldn't be more different if they tried finding common ground and love in each other. I think it's a worthy message, very fitting for our divisive times, don't you think?"
"I can't argue with that. I can't wait to see it come to life and see what else you have in store for us."
"Oh me neither."
Kelly takes a deep breath and glances from side to side, as if she doesn't want to be heard by anyone else and leans closer to the camera.
"Now, before I let you get on with your day, there is one more thing our viewers are dying to know."
I laugh. I know exactly what she's going to ask. The same thing everyone has been asking me since I "went missing."
"Which is?" I feign ignorance.
"Is it true there's a special someone in your life."
I glance back at Lofy, his big puppy dog eyes are so cute and wonderful, and decide it's probably time I stopped lying.
"There is, yes."
If Kelly is shocked by my admittance, she hides it very well.
"So when do we get to meet this boyfriend?"
"What makes you think it's a boyfriend?" I stared at the camera, teasing both Kelly and everyone watching. "He's more than that. He's my husband."
I catch a twinkle in Kelly's gaze because she has an exclusive, but I couldn't care less who knows anymore.
"So you got married? You managed to keep that under wraps."
I nod.
"It's not the only thing I've kept under wraps, to be honest."
Kelly turns almost giddy. "Are you saying there's a baby on the way?"
I laugh again but don't confirm or deny. People can make of that what they will.
"That's fantastic. I bet your fans and our viewers will be thrilled for you. Can we also hope for a sneak peek of your beautiful family?"