“I don’t care about any oaths. I don’t want to lose you,” Liliana said.

I reached for my gun, needing to get this over with, but Aria appeared in front of me and rested her palms against my chest, one palm over my heart, appealing to the part of me that had been dead before her—and in moments like these I wished it would have remained that way.

Her eyes held mine. “Please, Luca, don’t punish Romero for protecting someone he loved. He and Lily belong together. I beg you.” Her hands trembled against me, and her eyes were pleading with me.

I knew I should refuse her request, but I hated the thought of losing Romero. He was one of the few people I trusted at all. I knew he’d take a bullet for me, and more importantly for Aria. But I also knew that he’d never be as unconditionally loyal as he’d been because now his feelings for Lily would always get in the way.

I pried Aria’s hands off my chest, and her expression fell. “I can’t base my decisions on feelings. I’m Capo and have to make decisions that benefit my Famiglia.”

Romero stepped up to me, ready to accept my verdict. He wouldn’t beg. His eyes held no judgment for the decision he expected of me: a death sentence.

I held his gaze for a long time, and made my choice.

“You are my best soldier. The Famiglia needs you, and I don’t trust anyone with Aria as I do you,” I said as I rested a hand on his shoulder, surprising myself as much as him. “War has been inevitable for a while. I won’t end your life to postpone it for a few fucking months. We’ll stand together.”

Romero relaxed. He didn’t say anything, but I could see that he’d try to make it up to me for the rest of his life. He was a loyal man, a soldier I didn’t want to lose.

“Of course, we might not get out of this house with our lives. We’re surrounded by the enemy now.”

“Most guests are either drunk or asleep. We could try to sneak out. They won’t notice Benito’s death until morning; by then we’ll be back in New York,” Romero said.

I doubted we’d be that lucky. Picking up my mobile, I tried to call Matteo. We needed to figure out a way to get out of Chicago, but he ignored my call. He was probably busy fucking his wife. “Damn it. Matteo isn’t picking up his fucking phone.”

“Do you think something happened to them?” Aria asked.

“The only thing happening is that he’s probably fucking your sister’s brains out right now and ignoring his fucking phone,” I said. Romero and I carried Brasci’s body into the bathroom before Liliana went in there to change out of her ripped wedding dress.

The moment Romero went in to help her, and Aria and I were alone, she came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, her cheek pressed against my chest. “Thank you, Luca. Thank you so much. I won’t forget this. I didn’t think it was possible but for what you did today, I love you even more.” She shook against me as she lifted her head, tears running down her cheeks. I brushed them away. Fuck me. This woman held more power over me than anyone ever had, than anyone ever would.

Romero returned and Aria stepped back. Public displays of affection were something I had to limit, even around Romero.

“Done,” Romero said.

“Good. Now let’s get going. I don’t want to risk staying here a moment longer than absolutely necessary.” I held out my hand for Aria. She took it with a tense smile and I pulled my gun. I needed to get her out of this house alive no matter the cost. I opened the door and peered out into the corridor. It was deserted but the party was still going strong.

I signaled Romero that the coast was clear before I pushed the door open wider and stepped out, pulling Aria along.

We didn’t cross anyone’s path as we made our way to Matteo’s room. I knocked but, of course, the asshole didn’t open his door. He probably had his dick buried in Gianna’s pussy. I knocked a bit harder. Again nobody reacted. Aria threw me a worried glance, and I rammed my fist against the wood as loud as I could risk. And finally Matteo opened his fucking door, only dressed in his boxers and sporting a fucking boner.

“Didn’t you get the hint that I didn’t want to be interrupted when I didn’t answer your fucking call?” Matteo’s gaze moved behind me, and his lips pulled into a grimace. “I have a fucking bad feeling.”

I shoved him hard. “For fuck’s sake, Matteo, pick up when I call you. You need to get dressed. We have to leave now.”