“What kind of crap,” Gianna muttered. “That sounds like a rumor Matteo might spread just to be funny.”

I closed my eyes, laughing softly. “I think I prefer the too beautiful rumor to the nutcase one.” Then I looked down at my protruding belly. “Even if I don’t feel very beautiful right now.”

“Once you’ve pushed that kid out of you, you’ll have your old body back in no time,” Gianna said.

“At least Luca isn’t getting a pouch out of solidarity,” Lily said with a grin. “I read that many men gain more weight during pregnancy than their wives. It’s called solidarity pregnancy or something like that.”

“That’s taking solidarity a bit too far,” Luca said from behind me, and I let out a startled cry, looking over my shoulder. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, and was only in his swim trunks.

Solidarity pregnancy? No, that definitely hadn’t happened to Luca. He was as ripped as always, all muscle, no fat.

Matteo came up behind his brother, grinning, and patted Luca’s six-pack. “I think I can feel a tiny bulge.”

“The only bulge I’ll ever have is in my pants, and you will keep your hands off it.”

“Stop talking about bulges, will you?” Gianna muttered. Matteo leaned over her; he too was dressed only in swim trunks. “Why? You love my bulge.”

“Okay,” I said, my nose wrinkling, and tried to get into a sitting position. A beetle on its back had more range of motion than me. Luca held out his hand, a smirk playing around his mouth, but in his eyes was something fierce and protective as usual when I displayed my current vulnerability.

Sighing, I let him pull me to my feet. I touched his muscled stomach. “I almost wish you’d gained weight, then I wouldn’t feel quite so ginormous.”

Luca leaned down, hand on my belly. “Aria, don’t be ridiculous. You are beautiful and still small.” I was about to protest but his gaze silenced me.I couldn’t find a comfortable position. The pain in my lower back had been getting worse in the last week, and tonight it was particularly bad. I repositioned the nursing pillow under my belly then closed my eyes, trying to find sleep. It was only ten but I was tired all the time now. I still had five days to go before my official due date, but time seemed to drag now that the birth drew nearer.

I must have dozed off, when a sharp pain in my lower abdomen jerked me awake. My eyes flew open, and I gasped. I propped my arm up to push myself into a sitting position, but with the pain it proved twice as difficult. When I’d finally managed to perch on the edge of the mattress, I had to catch my breath. I wasn’t sure if this was it. From the force of the pain, I could only assume I was having contractions.

I caressed my stomach, waiting for the pain to subside before I reached for my mobile on the nightstand. I considered calling Luca, but I knew he had a meeting with his soldiers tonight regarding a strategy to burn down the Bratva’s labs and probably more he wasn’t telling me about. I didn’t want to disturb him if this proved to be a false alarm. I hesitated, then decided to send him a message. When will you be home?

I managed to send it off before another contraction rendered me a wheezing mess. Clutching the mattress, I tried to breathe through the pain. It wasn’t working as well as I’d hoped. “Demetrio!” I called when I found my voice. I pushed myself off the bed and crept toward the door, my phone clutched in one hand. It vibrated. I slanted a look at the screen.

Two hours. You okay?

I reached the door, and held on to the handle for a couple of heartbeats before I managed to open it. “Demetrio!”

He appeared on the staircase, hair mussed up and face sleepy. He must have fallen asleep. “Is everything okay?”

“Of course not, or I wouldn’t have called you,” I muttered, then felt bad for taking my pain out on him, but another contraction stopped me from apologizing.

Demetrio’s eyes widened. “Are you…?”

“Get Gianna,” I ordered, when it became clear that Demetrio didn’t have a clue what to do. Demetrio ran toward the elevator and jabbed the button, but without the code he wouldn’t be able to send the elevator to Matteo’s apartment. Did I have to do everything alone?

I held on to the banister, intent on going down the staircase to assist him in his futile endeavor, but halfway down I had to stop to breathe again.

My cell vibrated again.

Aria? Are you okay?

I was clutching the phone so tightly, I was surprised it hadn’t turned to dust yet. “Call Matteo,” I told Demetrio through gritted teeth.