“Instead, you’re shacking up with rich, hot, bearded men. Maybe Julie’s onto something.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure this is exactly what Julie had in mind for me.” I laugh, leaning forward to finish my makeup. A third voice sounds through the phone in the distance.
“Ok, I’m coming,” Mia says, addressing the other person. She needs to get back to work. “I gotta go, Lexie. But I’ll call you later.”
“Ok, bye. Love ya.”
“Love you lots.” With that, the call ends. Letting out a deep breath slowly I brace my hands on the vanity counter and stare into the mirror.
Eyes as blue as the summer sky gaze back at me over a delicate nose and glossed bow-shaped lips. All wrapped in fair skin that’s never held a tan long enough to be considered anything other than porcelain—at least not without a good fake tan. Tilting my head to the side, light blonde hair tumbles over one shoulder and spills down to the small of my back in long loose curls. Other than the dark circles under my eyes, currently hidden beneath a little extra concealer, I look how I always look. But I don’t feel the same.
Julie says taking time will help with the healing, and I trust her. She’s gotten me through so much already. But so far all I’ve gotten is two weeks of sleepless nights and an overwhelming sense of feeling completely lost.
I’m twenty-six years old, with what I thought was a career path set for the rest of my life. But now I’m not so sure. After everything that’s happened, I can’t picture ever going back to how things used to be. And I’m left teetering on the precipice of the unknown, dangerously close to plummeting into what could be total ruin.
Sucking in a deep breath, I push my shoulders back and finger comb through my curls. I won’t fall off the edge, my feet are firmly planted. There’s no fucking way I’m going to lose myself—not with how hard I’ve worked to get here. I deserve so much more than that.
Touching up my gloss, I head into the closet to pick out an outfit. A short, soft pink sundress is the perfect choice for a day like today. Look good, feel good.
And, damn, do I look good.
I consider wearing heels, but that might be pushing it, especially with how much I’ll be walking today. The weather is nice, the late spring days warming up as we head into the east coast summer. But I grab a sweater to wear later, just in case. I haven’t quite figured out New York weather.
Grabbing my purse off the kitchen counter, I head out the front door. Locking it behind me, I turn and collide with a solid frame. Stumbling back a few steps, I blink up at them.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you,” the man apologizes, taking his own step back. His slender build stands at a modest height, but maybe I’ve just been standing next to Callum too much. Honey blonde waves fall across his forehead over soft-green eyes. Compared to the other two men I’ve met in the last twenty-four hours, this guy looks friendly and relatively harmless.
“It’s ok, I wasn’t paying attention,” I assure him with a smile.
“I’m here for Callum. But I don’t think we’ve met.” His eyes scan me as if to confirm before he makes his introduction. “I’m Enzo.”
“Lexie,” I offer. “I think Callum is in his office.” An awkwardness settles over me as I struggle to figure out what to do next. Obviously, this introduction was an accident created by timing and coincidence. Not answering the door is one of Callum’s rules, but I don’t think literally bumping into someone outside the door counts. Should I just make an excuse to leave? I open my mouth but my response is cut off when the door opens behind me.
“Enzo, you’re late.” I turn to find Callum’s irritated expression pointed at the newcomer. Enzo, however, doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by the glare he’s receiving.
“I was just meeting Lexie,” he replies breezily, making Callum’s focus cut to me. I can practically feel the accusation in his eyes, berating me for breaking the rules.
“I bumped into him on my way out.” The need to explain the situation feels important, though I’m not sure why—maybe so he doesn’t think I’m incapable of following simple instructions. My reputation for not being a complete idiot is on the line here.
Callum’s gaze moves over me as if he just realized I’m dressed in something other than pajamas or workout attire.
“Out where?”
“I’m going to brunch.” Glancing down at the time on my phone I realize I’m running late. “I actually have someone waiting for me, but it was nice to meet you Enzo.” I flash another friendly smile before stepping around him. His head turns to watch after me along with the man in the doorway.
“You too, Lexie,” Enzo calls after me. He then turns to address Callum. “She seems nice, way too nice for you. Who is she?” I press the button for the elevator and wait for it to open.
“She’s the house-sitter,” Callum replies simply. “Now get in here, we have shit to talk about.” The elevator doors slide open with a soft ding. I step in and turn around to press the button in time to see Callum stepping aside to let his guest enter the penthouse. My eyes meet his for a moment.
“Alright, alright,” Enzo complies. “Wait, the house sitter? What happened to Tony?” Whatever answer Callum gives is cut off when the elevator doors slide shut, closing in unison with the apartment door.
Walking up to the restaurant, my friend is unmistakable. Her toned, willowy figure is accentuated by a colorful mini set, the sun kissing her rich, deep brown skin like an umber goddess. The colorful woman looks more suited for the runways in L.A. or Miami than the sidewalk in Manhattan.
“It’s so unfair that God has such clear favorites,” I speak up as I approach, making her turn.