“This is the house-sitter.” I don’t miss the meaningful look Callum shares with the ox at my introduction. “Roscoe works my security.” Roscoe is close enough, I definitely would’ve won that twenty bucks.

“Hi, I’m Lexie. Nice to meet you.” I greet him like I would anyone else, offering him a smile, which almost seems to throw him off for a split second. He gives me a solemn nod, simply rasping a curt hello in return. Callum keeps his eyes on me during the exchange, his computer brain no doubt filing away everything he observes.

“You brought what I asked for?” Callum turns his focus to Roscoe. The bald man nods.

“Harris is an ass, but he’s a well-connected, rich one,” Roscoe grunts, producing a plain white envelope from his coat. Callum’s face remains unreadable when he nods.

“Let’s go to my office.” They’re both already walking, leaving me behind completely forgotten.

I’m not put off by it in the least—they can go about their business. I need to go shower and actually get ready for the day. Not to mention I have to break the news to Mia that I might have to cancel our plans for tonight.


Wrapped in a towel fresh from the shower, I wipe the steam from the fogged vanity mirror while the phone rings. I can’t help but smile when the other end picks up and my best friend’s voice sounds in the bathroom on speakerphone.

“Hey, bitch.” The greeting is a term of endearment coming from Mia. “I’m just filling out some paperwork, so I only have a few minutes. What’s up?”

“I might not be able to watch the Bachelor with you tonight.” Getting between Mia and her weekly reality tv fix is asking for trouble. I wince, bracing for her wrath.

“You better be joking.” She’s pissed, her tone promising terrible things if I don’t take it back. Hopefully, my reason will be enough to smooth her temper.

“The owner of the penthouse I’m watching is here.” I offer it like a golden nugget of prime gossip—something Mia lives for. Just as I was hoping, her tone shifts instantly.

“Shut up, who is it? Is he some crusty old businessman?” I can’t help but laugh at the absurdity of her question. If she met this man, she’d have a field day.

“His name is Callum Russo.” The wand of my mascara pauses mid-swipe, my mind conjuring up the image of the man who owns the roof over my head. “Businessman? Yes. But old and crusty are not words I’d use to describe him.”

“What words would you use to describe him?” She’s begging me to paint a picture for her, so I oblige. Placing my lip oil on the vanity, I brace myself against the counter. What words would I use to describe the unreadable man I ate dinner with last night?

“Giant, beard, tattoos.” Those are the physical descriptors she wants. But I can’t help but add, “Intense. Complicated.”

“He sounds hot.” If only she knew.

“Hot? Yes. Someone I plan on spending any time with? Nope.”

“Damn. So Hot Tattoo Guy is there. Does that mean you’re coming home?” she asks hopefully, her voice sugary sweet. Nice try, Mia.

“He says he’s only in the city for a few days on business, whatever that means. So I’m staying, apparently. I just have a slightly terrifying roommate for a while.” And just like that, I’ve deflated her balloon of hope in one fell swoop.

“So, not only are you not coming back, but you can’t watch the Bachelor with me tonight? Hot Tattoo Guy sucks.” She’s pouting now, which I think is a step in the grieving process—right after depression and before acceptance.

“His name is Callum,” I supply.

“Fine, Callum sucks,” she huffs indignantly. I let out a laugh, in total agreement.

“I might be able to watch, I just don’t know yet. So text me when you get home from the hospital, maybe I’ll be free.”

“Okay, okay fine.” I can hear the switch in her tone, the added concern. “How are you, really? Are you sleeping?”

“Technically.” My attempt at a joke brushes off her question. But I know her better than to think that would actually work.

“Lexie—” I cut off her rant before it starts.

“I’m fine, I promise. It’s just going to take some time.”

“Is that what Julie says?” Julie is my therapist and my idol. She’s seriously one of the best things that ever happened to me, after Mia and caffeine.

“Yes, Julie says taking some time away to refocus and heal is the best thing I can do for myself. Which is why I’m not at the hospital on contract right now.”