Page 100 of Any Means Necessary

“Thanks, I decided it was time for a change. I got my nose pierced too,” Samantha replies.

“I bet it looks hot,” I announce, making her smile. The sparkle is slowly returning to her eyes—they’re blue, just like mine.

We don’t have a lot of similar features—I’m short and round, with huge tits, a stomach, and a big ass. My sister is all willowy and streamlined with legs for days and a long graceful neck. Plus, she’s taller than me by several inches, which seems to be the universal rule for younger sisters. Her new hair makes us look even less related than before, but we have the same eyes.

“Damn, I’m so glad you’re okay. You have no idea how scared I was when Mia called and said you were being rushed into surgery.” My words have her perking up with a look of urgency.

“Wait, how long have I been here?” she asks. I check the clock.

“Almost twenty-four hours. You were brought in yesterday morning.”

“Did they find my phone?” she asks, looking around. I look in the bag of her personal belongings and pull out her cell phone. The screen is cracked and it’s covered in scratches, but the screen still lights up when I press the power button.

“It’s a little banged up, but it looks like it’s fine.” I hold up the device.

“I need you to call someone for me.”


“My boyfriend.” Her answer shocks the hell out of me. “I was on my way to see him when I got hit. He must be freaking out that I never showed up.”

“Wow, you have been making some changes,” I add. “I’ll call him, what’s his name?”

“His name is Noah, but his contact in my phone is under ‘Sparky’.” I flash her a questioning look. “I’ll tell you later.”

Taking a step out into the hallway, I press Sparky’s contact. My heart warms at the kissy face and heart emojis after his name. The phone only rings once before it’s picked up.

“Baby, where are you? I’ve been going out of my mind.” Concern is Noah’s immediate response when he answers the call.

“Hi, this is Samantha’s sister, Lexie.”

“What happened?” Panic is creeping into his voice like he can sense something is wrong.

“She’s going to be okay,” I start. “Samantha was in a bad car accident. She just woke up after surgery.”


“Samantha’s going to make a full recovery, but we’re at Columbia Memorial Hospital and she’s going to be here for a while.”

“Fuck,” he mutters, and there’s movement on his end of the line. “I’m ninety minutes away, but I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Drive safely, we’ll see you when you get here.”

“Thanks for calling.”

When I hang up, I step back through the doorway to see Samantha drifting off to sleep. Lowering myself into the seat by her bed silently, I place the phone on the adjustable bedside table.

“Were you able to reach him?” Her eyes peek open, fighting the drowsiness.

“Yeah, he’s on his way,” I assure her, scooping my hair into a high ponytail. She seems determined not to give in to sleep, so I ask my question. “How long have you been together?”

“I’ve known him for a while, we’ve been friends since last year. We've been dating for six months, and he started trying to make it official after three. We finally became boyfriend and girlfriend last month.” That sounds just like her. She and I have matching commitment issues.

“He sounded nice on the phone.”

“Noah is nice, he’s the best guy I’ve ever met.” The smile that appears on her face when she’s talking about him is really sweet. Her eyes drift past me. “Who’s that?”

I follow her gaze over my shoulder. “That’s Callum.” As if feeling my eyes, Callum looks up from his phone from where he stands in the doorway. I avert my eyes and turn back to my sister before we get caught in another staring contest. “He came with me from New York.”