“I’ll ask Spade to send Roan up before the game starts.”
We all pile out and walk together to the stadium where the ‘Husbands’, as I like to call them, are playing. I get involved in a conversation about books with Bea and don’t realize Kat and Pearl disappear for a few moments.
The next time I look up, it is right into the stunning blue-gray eyes of the man I’ve been dreaming about for the past week. I gasp before I can stop myself as I watch a smile form on his very handsome lips.
“Summer, this is Roan. Spade’s friend I was telling you about.”
“Summer.” The sound of my name coming from his lips has a chill working its way up my spine in the most delicious way.
“Oh my God.” I realize I should say something but for the first time in months, my mind goes completely blank.
“Oh shit! Roan is Hot Cop!”
Chapter Four
Hot Cop?
I have to fight back letting out a loud laugh at the fact I have finally found my missing angel. And Spade’s girl brought me right to her.
“Oh my God, Pearl! Shut up!”
I knew there was a reason I liked Pearl. Even if she does have questionable taste in men.
“Hot Cop, huh?”
I thought it would take me longer to chase her down. I already read the report that was made about the accident. It didn’t give me a lot to go on, but I wasn’t done. I had already been talking to anybody and everybody I could about people coming to visit them since I heard her mention she had no fucking clue where she was when she was helping me back to her car so we wouldn’t get pancaked by the ambulance when it came.
She did a lot of talking to herself, but I was soaking up every minute of it. Hers was the voice that helped take away a lot of the pain in my head. When I was in the ambulance being driven to the hospital all of the aches and blinding pain that she was holding back hit me hard. Right between the eyes. Thankfully, I was with people that knew how to fix that for me.
And now here she is. Right in front of me. Sweet face, big green eyes, and soft plump lips that beg for kisses from any sane man that looks at her.
“You think I’m hot?”
“Oh my God. I… you look good for someone who just… uh, you know.”
I give her a tilted smile and hopefully a look that doesn’t say I want to just eat her up, even if that is exactly what I want to do. “You look good too.”
The smile melts off her face and worry clouds her eyes, “Oh, no, I just meant… well you do look good. You know you look good. I just meant because… you know what? I’m just going to shut up now.”
“That’s a shame.” She gives me a questioning look, “I like hearing you talk.”
Her face is so expressive I can tell everything she is thinking with no problem. I like that she isn’t trying to hide anything like some people do. I don’t think she plays games and that… is refreshing. But then again everything about this tiny woman is a breath of fresh air.
“And, I love hearing what you have to say.” Especially the part about her thinking I’m hot.
She gives me a nervous laugh before turning to look at the audience we have somehow accumulated. It doesn’t take me long to realize this is Pearl’s friend who is visiting her for a couple of weeks. Why I didn’t put that together in the search for my angel I have no idea except to blame my concussion and the car wreck. I just never thought she would be this close; never thought she would be right under my freakin’ nose.
“Hey Atticus, you gonna suit up or you going to flirt with your girl all night?”
I look over at Caspian and make a mental note to myself to owe him… big time. “Yeah, yeah. I’m coming. Keep your cup on.”
I look back at Summer and find her looking down with pink splashed across her cheeks. “You’re going to stay for the game right?”
“Um,” she looks back at the three women who the team has affectionately labeled ‘The Girls” and they all giggle. Pearl pushes her and gives her an over-exaggerated nod. “Yeah. I’m pretty sure I’m staying.”
“And you’ll come to the restaurant after?”