“I’m glad to hear it.” He set his glasses down on the desk as he smiled at her and folded his hands. “Tell me more.”
“I met a lady there who is moving this coming week, and she needs extra muscle. Any interest in helping?”
“Oh, honey. Thank you for asking, but no thanks. I don’t lift things.”
“What? You work out daily.”
“Right, but I don’t move people. It’s too much of a hassle. Half the time, nothing is boxed when you show up, and you spend half the day packing other people’s stuff. Plus, I’m pretty busy this coming week.”
“Okay . . .”
“Anything else?”
She shook her head. “No.”
Exiting, she slowly closed the door.
Each mile marker they passed brought another measurement of uneasiness to Ryan. He didn’t know how Jason would handle meeting the woman with whom their father had been intimate all those years ago. Recalling his own experience, he knew it wouldn’t be easy or comfortable. Then on top of it, meeting their half-sister, Tiffany.
“You doing okay?” Ryan glanced over as Jason’s gaze stayed locked out the passenger window at the passing trees and scenery.
“I’m fine.” Lifting a fist to his mouth, he bit his thumbnail.
“You seem nervous.”
He pushed out a fake laugh and looked over at Ryan. “I am a little nervous. But I’m fine. How are things with you and Emily? Any hope there yet?”
“We haven’t talked today. I tried reaching out last night, but she ignored my call and texted later saying she was at a Bible study.”
“You seem upset. Are you okay?”
Gripping the steering wheel a little tighter, Ryan glanced at his brother for a moment, then back at the road. “Honestly, Brother? A part of me feels like I’m losing my family. And that scares me.”
Jason seemed to welcome the distraction from where they were headed. He relaxed and repositioned himself in his seat, facing him more.
“What are you going to do about it?”
Sighing, Ryan frowned. “Possibly move to California. But I don’t want to think about that right now.”
“What? And leave the grill?”
“This town hates me, anyway.” Ryan scoffed. “You can have the grill if I leave and it’s not in financial ruin.”
Jason peered again out the window. They were finally entering Spokane. He shook his head and sighed. “Ryan, I don’t want the grill.”
“What? Why?”
“I never did. I just like helping with it. It was always your and Dad’s thing. Whatever you choose to do, I hope you’re praying and asking God for direction.”
“I am seeking Him. More than ever right now.”
Jason smiled. “Then maybe all of this happened for a reason, to bring you closer to God.”
Silence lingered for a moment. “That’s tough to accept, Bro.”
“Sometimes truth is difficult for us to accept. If you do go back, I want you to know having you here, even for a while, was a precious gift to me.”