Ryan took jabs at her parents at almost every opportunity, but she didn’t blame him. She understood how badly her father Richard had hurt him in the past. She knew it was not easy to get over the fact his father-in-law started the relationship by telling him he wasn’t good enough for his daughter and went out of his way to attempt to single-handedly destroy the relationship.
“Ryan . . . Please don’t.”
“I’m sorry.” Moving over to her side on the bed, he wrapped an arm around her. “I know tonight won’t be easy for you, but it’s the right thing. You should’ve heard my mom on the phone when I told her we were thinking about moving up.”
Smiling, Emily’s heart brightened. “Yeah?”
“She can’t wait for us to get there. Talked about how we can have family dinners and invite the other kids over.”
“Your sisters?”
Forcing a smile, Ryan nodded. “Yeah, and Jason. I don’t know if any of my sisters will make the drive over, but I like the thought of it.”
“They’re all still upset about the grill?”
Nodding slowly, Ryan looked down. “Yeah, all three of them are all pretty bitter about it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Rising to his feet, he took her by the hand.
Resisting, she stayed put on the bed, pulling her hand away from him. “I don’t want to go, Ryan. Can’t we just call them or send a text?”
Ryan shook his head. “My dad always told me there are some doors that you just have to walk through and this is one of those doors, Em.”
Sighing, she rose to her feet, another few tears trickling out. Ryan’s face flashed concern at their appearance.
“You alright?”
“Yes. I just miss your dad so much. The conversations, the wisdom, everything. I know this move would bring a smile to his face. He always talked about how we should move up there.”
“Yeah, he’d be pleased.” Holding his hand out, Ryan lifted his eyebrows. “Ready?”
Placing her hand in his, they left the bedroom.
At the dinner table with her parents Richard and Zeena, Emily’s hands trembled as she picked up her salad fork.
“What’s wrong?” Richard’s voice was firm, his gaze fixed narrowly on Emily.
“Nothing.” Emily stabbed a bite of salad with ranch on it and popped it into her mouth.
Ryan set his fork down on the plate and folded his hands. “We came here tonight to break the news to you that?—”
“You’re leaving. That’s just great.” Richard finished his sentence and threw his napkin onto the plate in front of him. Emily’s heart ached at seeing her father’s expression drip with disdain and anger.
Zeena scolded him. “Richard! Don’t act like that.”
“What? I told you that this would happen, Zeena! They’d end up relocating. I told you the second we found out about Frank passing.”
Standing up, Richard exited the dining room. His exit was a relief, but it stirred sorrow within Emily’s heart at the same time it brought relief.
Jack, Conner, and Elizabeth all turned to Ryan. Awkwardly smiling, he said, “Eat your dinner, children.”
After finishing her food, Emily went to find her father. Locating him in his study, she knocked lightly and let herself in.
“Why are you doing this to our family?”
She kept quiet, her gaze locked on the checkered carpet in his office.