Having never skied in my life, I opt not to die on these slopes. And on the other hand, how hard could driving a snowmobile be? It looks similar to a jet ski, and I’ve been on plenty of those.
“Mikhail, let’s do something fun.”
His eyebrows draw together. “Something...fun?”
“Yeah, you know that thing normal people do when they’re not working 24/7? If we’re stuck here, we might as well make the most of it.”
I can think of at least five positions that would also work in this scenario...
“Leah! Goddamnit!”
Snow sprays into the front of my visor, momentarily blocking my view as I trail behind her. She’s gunning through the marked path, barely dodging trees and small boulders, forcing me to push my vehicle to the limits to catch up.
I don’t know what made me agree to do this, but I felt I couldn’t say no after everything I’ve put her through. Leah was so excited that she didn’t finish her meal before dragging me to a clothing and supply store off the main lobby. But what should have been a quick trip to pick up necessities and proper attire ended up being an hours-long ordeal.
“Slow down!” I yell, swerving away from the top of a half-buried shrub.
I know she can’t hear me—or hell, maybe she can and is choosing to be reckless. A fleeting vision of her over my knee, wearing nothing but my handprints on her ass for being a brat, jolts straight to my cock.
Before I can spiral down that rabbit hole, I see her veer off an unmarked path, and I wonder if she realizes her mistake or knowingly decides to take the scenic route.
I follow her through the winding woods and attempt to flag her down.
“Leah, pullover!”
She twists in my direction as I flail my arm like a goddamn maniac and lifts a gloved hand, waving in response before accelerating and raining down another monsoon of snow onto my face and lap.
“Fuck. Just wait until I catch you.”
Another twenty minutes tick by as we drive deeper into the darkening path. I’d be lying if I said I’m not enjoying myself.
Fun, huh?
It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced this level of exhilaration. As someone who thrives on predictability and structure, I’m surprised that the fact we have no fucking clue where we’re heading almost makes the moment more thrilling. Reminiscent of the euphoria I used to feel in her arms.
Leah’s snowmobile slows, and I follow until we both come to a stop. I stay seated and fold my arms over my chest as she climbs off hers and removes her helmet.
When I catch sight of her beaming smile, all traces of aggravation disappear.
She’s so fucking beautiful it hurts.
“I’m glad you could keep up,” she teases, shaking out her long hair.
I say nothing as she straddles my vehicle and faces me, leaning her elbows back on the console. Her snowsuit is thick with warm layers but fitted enough that I’m mesmerized by the silhouette of her soft curves. What I would give to take her right here.
She’s yours. Take what’s yours.
“You’re crazy, pretty girl. We’re out here in the middle of nowhere.” Sliding off my helmet, I look around at the miles of endless forest. “What if we get caught in another storm?”
“Doesn’t sound so bad,” she murmurs, tipping her head back and blowing steam into the cold air. “I like this. That crisp chill smells and tastes so good. Such a difference from Dallas, don’t you think?”
“Does it remind you of your time in New York?” I question, letting the steam billow out of my mouth as well.