Page 48 of Hunter's Trial

Besides, I don’t like the example that it sets for Liz if she simply thinks that everything that a woman can want will simply be handed to her. I am proud of my work ethic, and I intend to pass that down to Liz as well.

Since she started attending the same school as her new idol, Henry, she doesn’t really seem to have eyes for me. Our house is located close enough to the complex that Daniel and Alek live on, so Liz gets to see Henry just about any time she wants to. He’s been such a doll. If her adoration bothers him in any way, he certainly hasn’t made comment about it. In fact, I almost think that he encourages it sometimes. He’s the cool older kid. I get the appeal. She is my daughter after all.

It’s a good school and he’s helping keep her grades up. That’s about all that I can ask for.

Horus has kept Alek’s promise to Liz and me. He is usually the one to pick both Liz and Henry up from school in the afternoons. They have started looking up to him like an uncle. They like to push his buttons to see just how far they can get away with. Maybe someday they will realize how strange it is to have a bodyguard and very lethal killer wrapped around their fingers.

At least I know that Liz is going to grow up so loved and so confident that she’s never going to make the same stupid choices that I made. She will never be stuck with somebody like her father. Billy preyed on the fact that I didn’t know my worth. Love bombed me into thinking that we were a part of some fairy tale until my eyes were rudely ripped open.

Tonight is the first night that Nikolai and I are going to get to have any real time together alone in the last month or so. With the renovation plans, adjusting to new life and having my brand-new business, we hardly have any time for each other. Granted, the hours that we have in bed don’t count. I won’t be blamed for the fact that the moment that handsome man crawls naked into bed with me I am overcome with the need to have my way with him.

Still, going to dinner tonight is a welcome break.

Nikolai picked a purple dress for me to wear this evening. Knee length and fitted. Strappy ankle sandals in matching satin to the dress. Delicate straps crisscross over my back and shoulders to keep the dress in place. Naturally, he didn’t send anything to wear underneath it. The dress hugs my every curve, which makes me wonder just what he’s planning to do at this dinner.

It’s nice to get dressed up, though. And the moment I arrive at the restaurant that Nikolai chose, a nice mom and pop Italian place, my breath is taken away. Nikolai looks good in anything that he chooses to wear, there’s just no denying that. But Nikolai in an all-black three piece? I’m going to make a damned mess of my dress.

The more time I get to spend with him, the more of a secret romantic Nikolai is turning out to be. The restaurant is cozy and warm, but he’s rented the whole place out for the evening. I can tell that he’s had the owner go to fairly decent lengths to ensure that it looks as nice as possible. Mood lighting, rose petals on the floor, the whole nine yards

These strappy heels are going to make it difficult to tease him under the table but I’m going to try my damned best. Course after course is brought in, with each plate becoming more and more delicious.

Dessert comes and I’m ready for a treat of a whole other kind.

I lean forward, rubbing my foot against the outside of Nikolai’s pants leg as the desserts are placed on the table. I have to ensure that my cleavage is on good display for him, always only for him.

“I’m ready to get out of here, aren’t you?” I say suggestively.

“Always so eager.” Nikolai chuckles darkly. “It would be rude to leave now when that’s been made specially for you.”

Nikolai eases back into his chair as if he’s suddenly no longer affected by my constant flirting. He runs a finger over his bottom lip and nods toward the dessert again. I hadn’t even looked at it. I’ve already had more than my share. I might burst out of this damned dress.

But I indulge him anyway, glancing at the perfectly made tiramisu sitting on the table -- and the fucking stunner of a ring sticking out of the top.

“No.” I breathe incredulously.

“I haven’t even gotten to ask you the question yet.” Nikolai laughs. But there’s a nervous tinge to it that I’ve never heard before.

I don’t even wait for him to ask before I yank the ring out and hold it up to see the sparkles in the light. It’s so incredible. It’s so much bigger than anything that I’ve ever imagined having before. The sort of thing that’s going to enter a room before I do. I know that it’s on the same level as Helena’s and Anya’s, but their rings had always seemed too excessive to me. Now that there’s one in my hand, I love it. One large stone and two smaller stones on either side with a white gold band. It’s perfect. Utterly perfect. I slip it right onto my finger and hold my hand up into the light, turning it this way and that to catch the sparkles in the light.

Nikolai huffs a sigh and I catch him rolling his eyes out of the corner of my vision.

“Just don’t know how to wait for anything. Always so damned impatient.” Nikolai says as he slides out of his chair and sinks to one knee in front of me. “Kate, will you-”

“Shut up, you idiot.” I laugh and take his face in my hands, kissing him passionately.

Enough that I almost get carried away. If I’m not careful, I’m going to forget that I’m in public entirely. Can’t let that happen.

“Is that a yes, then?” Nikolai asks between kisses.

“Of course it is!”

“Good.” Nikolai raises up suddenly and grabs my hand. I stumble behind him, nearly tripping over my heels as he rushes us outside and into the pitch dark and most secluded corner that he can find. “I’ve been wanting to be inside of you all fucking night. I can’t wait any longer.”

“What do you-” I start to laugh, ready to tease him -- but he’s not kidding. Not at all.

Nikolai turns me roughly, pushing me right up against the wall. My hands brace against the rough brick to either side of my breasts, but Nikolai doesn’t stop there. The fabric of my tight dress strains and threatens to tear at the sides as he roughly forces the fabric up and over my hips.

Fuck yes.