Page 27 of Hunter's Trial

So much so that I almost want to reach through the phone and strangle him to show him exactly what happened. Kick him in frustration a fair few times too. Just for good measure. Make sure that he really understands what Billy’s like.

“And Nikolai was there?” Alek asks.

“Are you kidding me?” I say incredulously.

Horus answers for me. “Yes, sir. According to Ms. Kate, he was the one to fend off the attack.”

I might as well be speaking to a fucking wall.

“Is there any sign of him there now?”

Horus glances into my house. I feel the urge to bodily block him from looking much closer. Suddenly I don’t feel as ok with him poking around in my personal space.

“No sir, I see nothing apparent.” Horus reports.

“I’ll be there soon. Kate, don’t leave the house until further notice.” Alek says.

Who the hell does he think that he is to command me?! I’m not getting any answers here! Why the hell are they more concerned about Nikolai being here than my damned ex-husband attacking me?!

“Momma?” Liz’s small voice comes from the hallway. I spin to see her rubbing at her eyes, her blonde hair wild around her face as she tries to shake the last vestiges of sleep from her body. I shoot Horus a withering stare in warning of any more shenanigans and head over to take Liz’s hand. She’s always the cuddliest in the morning. I scoop her small frame up and let her rest her head on my shoulder for as long as she will allow it. Usually only a few seconds before her tummy starts grumbling and I have to start on breakfast.

“I shall take my leave, Ms. Kate.” Horus says from the door. He sounds like he feels guilty. Good. He should. I don’t even acknowledge him - but Liz does. She perks her head up quickly and pushes away from me so that I have no choice but to let her go.

“You’re leaving Mr. Horus?! Don’t go! We are gunna have pancakes! Do you like pancakes?” Liz says sweetly.

Nobody can say no to her. Normally it’s something that works in our favor, but I don’t want to see Horus any longer right now. But it seems that I don’t have a choice. Horus looks to me for guidance before answering. I grit my teeth and wave to the table before turning to the stove and starting to gather my ingredients.

Horus clears his throat audibly and politely closes the door behind himself before slipping out of his shoes. Something he always does when he comes inside.

Liz settles into her seat at the table and starts asking Horus every question under the sun while I cook. It will only be a few hours before Alek gets here. It’s certainly not how I wanted to spend my day today -- but I guess I don’t have a choice. I might not feel totally assured of Alek’s protection now but I need it.

At least until I know if Billy is truly gone or not.

Alek arrives just as promised with men. Four men to be assigned to the house, myself and Liz. To accompany Horus with us anywhere that we choose to go. Two more men down the block and another driving patrol around my subdivision. He has one of his men tap into the security feeds around my house and while it’s all well and super helpful…how the hell is Nikolai supposed to get here tonight now?

When all is said and done, Alek is standing in my entryway while Liz watches one of her favorite cartoons. Thankfully, she hasn’t seemed to catch on to how strange all of this truly is. At least not yet.

“It would be best for you to stay here until I say otherwise.” Alek says, his hands tucked deep into his pockets. He keeps looking out of the large front windows of my home like he’s looking for something. I haven’t plucked up the courage to ask him what he’s looking for yet.

“I can’t do that.” I answer.

He snaps his focus back to me. A flicker of something like irritation on his face for only half a moment. “What do you mean? For this to work, Kate, you must-”

“What I must do is my job. I have one of those, you know? A legal way to make money. I know that is foreign to you.” I might be going a little too far, but he hurt me. He put me in danger. No, he put my daughter in danger. “I have to go to work. This house cannot become my prison. Alek, I won’t live like that.”

Alek’s jaw flexes. “I understand your frustration, but-”

“But nothing! I upheld my end of our deal and I expect you to uphold yours!” I say firmly. I won’t budge. Not on this. I don’t care how big of a badass mob boss he is. Right now, to me, he’s just yet another man letting me down. Failing me.

“Until we located your ex-husband, Kate, this is the best course of action. It is the best way to keep you safe. It’s not forever. It’s just for now. Haven’t you taken some time off as it is? Order food in, make blanket forts -- but stay here. Horus will get you anything that you need.”

My tongue runs over my teeth in irritation. He’s probably right. Doesn’t mean that I like it, and I don’t.

“Listen, I know how hard this is. I know how scary it all can be. I promise that I do.” Alek says, but his words do absolutely nothing to help calm me down. Nothing at all. When I don’t reply, he continues. “My wedding is in a week. I would be honored if you and Liz would attend. It will be perfectly safe, give you something to look forward to and it will get you out of the house for a bit.”

It’s nothing more than placations -- but I’ll take what I can get. “Fine.”

“Just a week, Kate. Everything will be over by then. I promise.” Alek says on his way out of the house.