I pull back. “There’s nothing not normal about you — about this — about us. You’re extraordinary. Phenomenal. Amazing. You can have anything you want, and I’ll be here to help you get it.”

“And if I want you? Want this? Us? If I don’t want it to end?” A shimmer of doubt clouds her features as her eyes trail over my face.

“You, this, us… it’s already yours. I’m yours. You just have to believe it first.”

Rustling sounds wake me. Static coos sound from the side of the bed. A warm weight is draped over my hip. Maisie’s curled into me, using my chest as her pillow, a thigh thrown over my own as Audra gurgles from her side of the monitor.

I eye the clock on my dresser. It’s still early, and I’m tired — so I know Maisie is. After we cleaned up with a quick shower, she was all but asleep on her feet as I dried her hair and tucked her into bed with me.

Today’s technically my day off, and I abandon the plans to swing by the station and make sure everything is running smoothly. The station can run without me for a day. I want nothing more than to have a lazy morning with Maisie and Audra.

I gently untangle Maisie from me and roll to the side of the bed intent on getting Audra up without her mama waking up.

Snagging my phone from my side table, I check my messages and my plans to take the day all the way off from work go up in a fiery ball of bullshit.

Johannsen is sick and Stella had an emergency pop up.

I glance back to Maisie, who’s wrapped herself around the pillow that I left. The smooth skin of her breast peaks above the blanket and her hair is a tangled mess across her own pillow.

If I juggle placements just right, I should be able to still take the day off.

Last night was special to me. She’s special to me. The little girl sleeping in the other room is special. And I want more of her, more of us today.

Audra lets out a squeaky hum from the monitor, and Maisie shifts in bed. I click the monitor off, and quietly pull on a pair of sweatpants. I still have an hour or so until I need to leave, so I’ll let Maisie sleep until then.

Walking quietly down the hall, I crack open the door to Audra’s room, or what I’m hoping will be her room. She’s laying in her crib, fascinated with the mobile throwing shimmers of light across the ceiling from where it catches the early sunlight.

“Good morning, baby girl,” I whisper. Her face lights up when she sees me, and she gives me a gummy, drool-filled smile. My heart all but leaps out of my chest to plop at her feet.

She’s happy to see me.

“Let’s get you changed and see what we can rustle up for some breakfast, shall we?” I pick her up from the crib and settle the warm weight of her into my arms. The diaper bag is still downstairs, so I head down. After she’s changed, I grab one of her baby food containers and a baby spoon from the diaper bag and settle her into her highchair.

“Your mama is still asleep, so we’ll let her rest and hope that I don’t make too much of a mess of you.” I scoop up a healthy amount of the oatmeal with fruit and make a wide-mouth O face.

Audra’s hands fly up in excitement, and she slaps the spoon sending oatmeal everywhere.

“Shit,” I curse and look around for something to wipe the mess up with.

Her tiny face starts to crumple and her lip quivers.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. We’ll just try again.” I soothe while smiling at her. If she starts crying now, Maisie is sure to wake up.

“Here we go.” I make airplane noises as I move the spoon of food closer to her mouth. Audra’s face pinches in concentration as she watches me.

I swipe the fat side of the spoon across her lips to catch the drips and then give her another bite.

“See, that’s not so bad is it,” I coo.

Movement out of the corner of my eye catches my attention. I glance over to find every single one of my teenage fantasies coalesced into a single woman standing at the entry to the kitchen.

Maisie’s wearing my t-shirt. The hem of it riding high on her thighs. Her hair’s a mess, fluttering around her face in wavy tangles as she smiles at me feeding her daughter.

I set the spoon and food down out of reach of Audra and stand, making my way to Maisie. When she’s within reach, I pull her into my arms and press a kiss to her mouth.

“Good morning,” I rumble when we break apart.
