“No! Let me go!” I scream. I won’t be quiet this time. I won’t go silently into whatever hell he has planned.

I yank at my arm harder. I don’t care if I have bruises for weeks. It’s the last time he’s ever going to put his hands on me again. The last time he’s ever going to hurt me.

A fight like I’ve never felt rises in me, and I struggle against him harder, hollering my head off.

“Get your hands off her.” Jedd’s voice is laced with menace as he and his brothers come crashing around the corner, their carts forgotten.

Suddenly, the hold on my arm is gone, and Duke is yanking Sean away from me and muscling him back with an arm around his throat. Rhett and Finch back him away until there are feet separating us.

Jedd gathers me in his arms. “You okay, Mais?”

A choked sob claws its way up my throat as I nod. Audra’s shrill cry has me backing up until I can see her, and I unbuckle her. Pulling her into my arms, I soothe her until she calms down.

“Let me go, you piece of shit. She’s mine.” Sean’s struggling against Duke but can’t pull away. His face is red, and there’s so much rage and hate on his face. Gone is the confident cocky cop that tortured me, in its place is this pathetic shell of a man. He’s thinner than the last time I saw him with dark circles under his eyes and a maniacal gleam in the depths of his gaze.

“I’m not yours.” The words start out quietly but get louder as I scream. “I’ve never been yours and I will never be yours again.”

Sean lets out a yell that sends chills racing down my spine and struggles against Duke more until Rhett and Finch shove him back.

A siren in the distance gets louder and louder until it’s all but screaming through the store.


Harlan’s here.

He barrels around the corner to me, and in seconds, me and Audra are in his arms. Our shield against the world.

“Are you okay, Sunshine?” He whispers the question against me before dropping a kiss to Audra’s head. “Is she okay? Did he hurt either of you?”

I shake my head. The pain in my arm forgotten. Everything right in my universe just from being in his arms.

Chapter 32


Rage, fear, and anger turn my vision red at the piece of shit sitting across from me. The metal handcuff jangles from where he fidgets against the chair.

Sean Carlisle. Disgraced cop. Abuser. Piece of shit.

After reading him his rights and cuffing him, I made sure that Maisie and Audra were okay before leaving her with my brothers to deal with this piece of shit.

Cassie sits down at the table next to me with a notepad and pen. “Mr. Carlisle, I’m just going to ask you some questions.”

“I’m not saying shit. I want a lawyer.”

He glares at me before his eyes flick away. I shouldn’t even be in this room with him. Not with my relationship with Maisie. Not if I want him to go behind bars for a very long time.

“You don’t have to say anything.” I snarl. “We’ve got more than enough to ship your ass back to Oklahoma and that bench warrant means you won’t see outside of a jail cell for a long time.”

“Fuck you.” He spits.

“No thanks. And after the charges Maisie brings up against you with all her evidence, I don’t think you’ll see the outside of a cage for even longer.”

Maisie’s name on my lips makes his features tighten in anger. “She doesn’t have shit. You don’t have shit.”

I shake my head at the pathetic piece of garbage in front of me. “She does have shit. Pictures, notes, timestamps of every time you put your fucking hands on her. You’re done.”

The color draining out of his face gives me a primal sort of satisfaction. The fear dancing in his eyes makes me want to feed more of it to him.