“Sooo. How was it?”

“It was… everything… I don’t know how to explain it. With Sean…”

“Nope.” Jem slashes her hand through the air. “None of that. No losing the happy orgasm glow. Your ex was a piece of shit, and if he ever shows his face in this town, I will personally rip off his dick and feed him to the vultures.”

The saccharine sweet way she says that with a smile makes me kind of scared of her.

“Um. Thank you?” I don’t really know what else to say to that.

“Back to you and Harlan. So it was good?”

“The best.” Hope takes flight in my chest like a flock of doves.

“I’m so stinking happy for you. I’m definitely biased, since he’s my brother-in-law, but those Calhoun boys know how to treat a woman. I just have one question though — why are you here in my coffee shop instead of still being in bed with that man?”

Audra slaps her hands to my chest and wiggles in my arms. Jem’s eyes drop to her before she grins at my daughter. “Fair enough. Probably hard to have a lot of alone time with a baby around. You know I’d be more than happy to watch her for the night if you wanted to debauch Harlan for an uninterrupted evening.” She shoots me a dirty grin, and I can’t help but laugh.

“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you, he’s actually taking us somewhere today. He just stopped by the station to make sure all was good there, and then we’re leaving for the day.”

“Where?” she asks and takes a sip of her coffee.

“No idea. He just told me to pack a swimsuit, which I don’t own, so I’ve got a pair of shorts and spare t-shirt in our bag.”

Jem’s smile turns knowingly. “I’m not going to ruin the surprise, but you’re gonna have a good time. Promise. And it looks like you’ve made a decision?”

I nod. “I’m staying. Which is scary and terrifying to think about, but I’m done running.”

Jem reaches out and puts her hand on mine. “Good for you, girl. I know that we just met, and don’t know each other super well yet, but I’m really proud of you. I can’t imagine…” She trails off as her eyes go glassy and mine tear up as well. “I can’t imagine what you went through, but we’ve got your back. Okay?”

I nod and sniffle. Sucking back the tears that want to fall.

“Thank you.” I’ll forever be grateful for this little town and the slice of happiness I’m finding here.

Behind me the door chimes, and Andy barrels through it before it opens fully, a newspaper clasped in her hands. Her eyes scan the space, and when they catch on us, she all but sprints to the table.

“Have you seen this shit?” She slaps the paper to the table between us.

“Whoa, where’s the fire?” Jem turns the corner of the paper, and my heart leaps into my throat.

Right there, on the front page of the Everette Gazette is a picture of Harlan and I, him kissing me at the concert.

Oh my god.



I scan the article under the picture each word punching me in the throat until I can’t catch my breath.

They don’t name me specifically, the article is more pointing the finger at Harlan and his running for the next term of sheriff of Everette. Each phrase slyly questioning if he’s fit to lead the police force in this town after getting involved with an accident victim that happened in his jurisdiction. That he’s abusing his power by becoming involved with me — letting me and Audra stay at his place, by being with me.

“What the fuck?!” Jem practically shouts.

“Right?” Andy says.

I can’t breathe. I never thought that being with Harlan had the potential to hurt his career. I know that he’s up for reelection, I know that he is the sheriff of this town — that the job fits him down to the bone. And the way they’re painting him in this article is ugly. It’s ugly and horrible, and I’m hurting him. Maybe not directly, but being linked with me and the ugly way our relationship is being painted to the whole town is only going to hurt his chances at being reelected.

“I have to go.” I don’t think before I stand, swiping the paper with my free hand and setting Audra on my hip before shooting out of the café to the sound of Jem and Andy calling me back.