Jedd: Fuck off Rhett. Maybe I will.

Boone: *GIF of It’s the End of the World as We Know It music video*

Finch: If you want a baby you go get yourself a baby, Jedd.

Jedd: *fist bump emoji* #brotherhood

Finch: And don’t listen to Boone. I’d bet he and Jem are planning to populate Everette with the next set of Calhouns as we speak.

Jem: *wide eyed emoji*

Duke: Now that’s a scary thought.

Jedd: God save us all.

Boone: Fuck off. Our children won’t be scary. They’ll be well behaved productive citizens of society.

Hal: *laughing crying emoji*

Duke: GIF of laughing uncontrollably

Rhett: GIF of disbelief

Jedd: GIF of girl with evil smile

Finch: GIF of explosions

Jem: I really don’t think our kids will be that bad guys.

Rhett: *Crying laugh emoji*

Duke: GIF of roaring laughter

Finch: You sure have the wool pulled over her eyes, Boone.

Boone: Shut up, Finch.

Jedd: They’re clearly still in the honeymoon phase.

Boone: You shut up too, Jedd.

Hal: Jem, honey. I love you, but sleep now, because once you start having kids you’ll never sleep a full night again.

Jem: Well that’s not a terrifying thought at all.

Rhett: It’s like she didn’t even listen to all the stories we told her about Boone and us growing up.

Maisie: *Selfie with a passed-out Audra cuddling on her chest.*

Jem: Worth it.

Boone: Yep.

Chapter 16


Jerry Singer’s combover is behaving today — despite the wind outside of Everette Grocery. The pale yellow, straw-like strands are combed and gelled into submission, whatever glue or sticking substance he uses to keep it in place clearly working despite the gusts of air blowing through the town square — though the blending job with the few remaining hairs at the side of Singer’s temples could use some work.