“No buts. I know that it’s going to take some time before you believe that you’re safe here. I promise what you told me last night will stay between you and me and that you can talk to me about anything at any time. But don’t be sorry. Not when you’ve been carrying this on your own for so long. But you are safe here. Have you thought about staying more?” I ask, hopeful that she’s considering it.

She nods. “I don’t have the money to fix my camper, or even buy a new one right now. So I’m kinda stuck until I complete the pending work for my clients.” Her cheeks go pink again at the admission, and I keep all traces of the sympathy I feel for her situation off my face.

She doesn’t need my pity.

“There’s no time limit on how long you can stay. The apartment is empty. You’re free to use it for as long or as short as you need. If you can’t stay — even though I really hope you do — we can figure something out to get you back on the road.”

I want to bite back the offer to help her leave. But she’s had enough choices taken from her and I won’t be another person who steals her independence and autonomy.

There’s a part of me that wants to beg for her to let me help her. To protect her and the little bundle of happy squirming on my lap trying to get my now-empty plate, but it has to be her choice. Her decision.

Maisie smooths a lank of hair behind her ear, drawing my gaze to the graceful line of her neck.

“I’d like that. If that’s okay. I can pay you rent.”

“You’re not paying me to use the apartment that I’ve just got sitting here.”

She opens her mouth to argue. “You need the money more than I do at this point. It’s not like I’m using the space or losing money by having you here.”

She sucks in her bottom lip and nods. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure.” Warmth creeps through me at the happiness that she’s staying.

Last night painted a small portion of the picture of what she’s been through, but I know that I don’t have the full story yet. I can only hope that spending time here in Everette, around me and my family — because I’ll never keep their nosy asses away — will show Maisie that she can trust me, that I’ll never hurt her, and I’ll do everything I can to keep her and Audra safe.

After not having someone she can trust to have her back for so long, I want her to know that she can trust me.

“I’m at work until this evening. I’ll get a couple of my brothers to meet you down there to help move everything. Sound okay?”

She nods. “Sure. Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Sunshine.”

Chapter 12


My camper doesn’t look any better in the light of day than it did the last time I was here from where I can see it in the mechanic’s bay.

It’s still dented and broken.

Kinda like me. Though I’ve worked hard to change that.

I pull Audra out of her car seat and get her nestled to my chest — facing the world so she doesn’t fuss — in her sling while she babbles away before I head into the shop.

The inside of the lobby smells like an automotive shop — rubber and oil. The front desk has a diamond plating to the bottom and the top is a cheery red against the beige walls. The space is cleaner than I would have attributed to a small-town mechanic shop, but there’s no one behind the front desk. I lightly press a finger to the old fashion bell sitting on the top of the counter.

The chime in the otherwise silent room is loud and Audra kicks her legs outward.

The sound of clattering metal hitting concrete and the mumbled curse carry through the open door between the shop and the office.

Footsteps sound on the pavement and I hear Jedd before I see him.

“Hey, there, Maisie. Good morning. How’s it going?” He looks more awake than I would expect from someone who spent the previous night playing poker with his brothers. His expression is open and welcoming, and I smile at him.

“Morning. Harlan said that I could get some more of our stuff out of my camper.”

He nods and scratches a hand through his scruff. “He texted us this morning. Come on out and we’ll get you packed up.”