But it looks like that’s about to change.

Chapter 5


Itune out the doctor going over my discharge instructions. My mind is busy scrambling on what the fuck I’m going to do.

I’ve had concussions before. I know what to look out for. And that’s the least of my worries right now.

A new car seat for Audra is a must after an accident. The one she’s got right now will have to do until I can get to a store to replace it. From what Harlan said, Everette is a resort town, so there’s gotta be a ride share service, and even though it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg, I can probably arrange a ride to my rental in Shelley.

I’ll have to come back for my camper once the repairs are done, but that’s unavoidable.

The doctor helps me get dressed in the clothes that Jedd brought for me from my rig, and I shove down the humiliation at not being able to dress myself. I’m hurt. It’s not the first time, and it probably won’t be the last. The bruises and my head will heal. Me and Audra are okay.

I focus on the positives like they’re a mantra keeping me moving — and they are. They and the little girl in her car seat on the floor of this hospital room are the only things keeping me going.

Yanking my phone out of my purse I pull up my email to grab the rental listing’s address to look for a ride to Shelley. Audra’s car seat is just going to have to work for the next few hours, and then I’ll work on replacing it.

Does that make me a bad mother? Probably, but it’s not like I have other options at the moment.

An email from the rental company catches my eye and the subject line steals my breath.

Confirming rental cancelation.

What in the actual fuck?

I quickly open the email and skim the message.


Because I didn’t check in during the allotted time frame or inform the landlord that I’d be later than the time frame, they canceled my reservation.

There’s no number for me to call, so I quickly type out an email with the situation, explaining that I was in an accident and asking that they reinstate my reservation before sending it off.

Oh my god. What are we going to do? I don’t have anywhere for me and Audra to stay, and Harlan already said there are no rooms in town.

Jesus Christ, what a mess.

Should have just hit the stupid deer. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess.

Doubting that I’ll hear back tonight, I wonder if I can’t stay in the camper in Jedd’s garage since there are no rooms available in town.

This is a clusterfuck and a half, and I don’t know who I wronged in a past life to deal with more trouble heaped upon me. I’m a good person, goddammit.

A nurse comes into the room, and I take the paperwork they hand me along with the prescriptions for pain medication and fold them before tucking them into my purse with no intention of filling them.

I can’t afford to be loopy from pain pills while I’m taking care of Audra. Good old fashion ibuprofen will have to do the trick.

Looping the diaper bag strap over my shoulder, I untuck my hair from it before snagging the handle of Audra’s car seat. My shoulder twinges in pain, and I have to grit my teeth before the ache subsides enough for me to trust carrying my daughter out of the hospital room.

Harlan and one of his brothers are standing by the door, whispering about something, and their heads snap toward me once the door closes at my back.

“Hey, — here, let me take her.” Harlan steps forward and — before I can argue — takes the car seat.

I want to bristle at the assumption that he can just take my daughter from me, but the relief from not carrying her weight is too great.

“Thanks. Is your brother around — the one with the shop — Jedd, I think?” I ask. Not sure if I have the right brother, but mostly confident.