“I just have one question. How’d you find her?”

Sean starts to laugh. “You want to know how I found that cunt after searching for her for more than a fucking year? Some fucking fancy douchebag found me on social media, and started asking questions about her, something about him running for sheriff and needing ammo against his opponent.” He sneers at me. “Against you. I put two and two together after that.”

My hands ball into fists under the table, and I shove down the rage that wants to beat this asshole’s face in and then find Cormac and beat his face in too.

I nod to Cassie and stand.

“Mr. Carlisle. You’ll be detained here until we can arrange for you to be moved back to Oklahoma in accordance with the warrant for your arrest.”

Sean starts screaming and yanking on his restraints. I don’t bother to listen to any more of it as I make my way out of the conference room. Sending in deputies to help Cassie move the waste of space to a cell, I start the process of contacting the authorities back in Tulsa and filing the paperwork to get that shit stain out of my county, my state.

A quick call to the mayor informs me that Cormac is staying at his family’s house.

Time to end this shit once and for all.

I knock on the door to the farm-style ranch house. My fists clench and my molars grind while I wait for the door to open.

Cormac opens the door and my temper snaps. All the fear and rage I felt after finding Maisie scared at the hands of her ex. I reach forward and grab him by the collar of his shirt to yank him out of the house. Shoving him against the door, I get in his face and snarl, “You piece of shit.”

“Hey!” Phillip Lewis calls.

I release Cormac with a shove.

“Harlan, what is the meaning of this?” The bite of his father’s voice tears my attention away from Cormac.

“Mr. Lewis. I apologize. I shouldn’t have put my hands on your son.” I turn back to Cormac. “Sean Carlisle found Maisie and attacked her today.” I watch as his eyes cut away.

“What? What does Cormac have to do with that? What is going on?”

“What? Nothing to say, Cormac? Don’t want to explain to Daddy about how you looking for dirt on me lead my woman’s abuser to find her and assault her today?” I snap out, the anger in my chest not abating an iota.

“Someone better start telling me what’s going on,” Phillip says while looking at his son. I break down the situation as best as I can, without going into too much detail about Maisie’s ex. About the abuse all the way through today, and Sean trying to take my woman from the fucking grocery store.

“I’m sorry for her. Is she okay now?” he asks after cutting a glance at his son.

“A little shaken up, but fine.” The need to get through this so I can go home to her pulses through me. My brothers are with her now at my house. And they’ve texted me a few times, but I need to put eyes on her. I need to touch her and pull her into my arms to make sure she’s okay.

“And your insinuating that my son had something to do with this man showing up in Everette today?”

“Yes, sir. During questioning of Mr. Carlisle, it was discovered that Cormac had a hand in helping him find Maisie Williams.”

Phillip’s eyes widen for a flicker of a minute with irritation and then he locks down his expression. “Is that so?” he asks, his tone deceptively calm.

Cormac says nothing. Sulking against the wall.

“Yes, sir. And I have to be honest, I don’t doubt that it happened exactly the way Mr. Carlisle is claiming.”

“You believe the word of a criminal over my son?” His eyebrow cocks and the same haughty disdain that his son throws around covers his face.

I snort.

“In this case, sir, yes I do. Maisie’s been living under the radar for more than a year, and it’s not a coincidence that the second she comes to town her abusive ex finds her.”

His jaw tenses at the implication, and I go in for the kill.

“And as Ms. Williams elected to file charges against Mr. Carlisle, there was an ongoing investigation at the time Cormac shared Ms. Williams whereabouts with Mr. Carlisle. Which could be argued as interfering with an investigation, not to mention putting her safety at risk.”

He takes a breath before saying, “And I presume you want something from me, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.”