Silas wound down the window. His expression was thunderous.
“We’re here,” he said tightly. “But nobody has told me why.”
Ricky peered through the window and saw the small figure of Jaime in the car seat. She had fallen asleep, still gripping a scruffy soft toy. Her cheeks were stained with tears.
Jodi opened the car and leaned inside as Silas climbed out.
“Hello baby,” whispered Jodi.
Jaime’s long lashes fluttered briefly. Her eyes immediately filled with tears, and she let out a low wail.
“Oh dear.” Jodi bit her lip and pulled back.
Silas reached in and fiddled with the seat harness. “Daddy’s here, love.” Jaime glared, rubbed her nose, and hiccupped. His voice was gentle. “Come on sweetcakes, let’s go find Joshie and Judy.”
Jaime’s small, dirty face broke into a reluctant smile, and she obediently held out her arms and scrambled into her father’s embrace.
“This better be good,” said Silas quietly, cuddling the child against his chest. “Hattie hardly got a wink of sleep last night, what with worry and Jaime waking every hour. And today, well you can see for yourselves what state she’s in.”
Jodi crossed her arms over her chest defensively. She looked cold and a little uncertain.
“Jodi has excellent intuition, and I trust her judgment,” Ricky said firmly.
She threw him a grateful smile.
“This place has already been searched from top to bottom.” Silas kept his voice low so as not to startle the sleepy child on his shoulder, but the words were ground out through clenched teeth. “Our first thought was that the boys might try to hide around here. They know this place like the back of their hands.”
“I don’t think they are sleeping in the stairwell or behind the mower.” Jodi glanced at Jaime as she spoke. She met Silas’ glowering gaze with steady eyes. “I think they are sleeping in a nice warm room, probably eating pizza and drinking soda right now.”
“Someone’s hiding them?” Ricky shrugged. “Could be. I guess we could do a door-to-door search, but that would upset a lot of folks,” he said reluctantly. “And frankly, it’s almost impossible to keep a secret in a community where people don’t have much to do other than keep their eyes on their neighbors.”
“Joshie!” Jaime’s voice was loud and petulant.
Ricky’s heart clenched as he watched the big man’s hands sooth the child.
Ricky cleared his throat. He raised an enquiring eyebrow at Jodi.
“We don’t need to search,” she said crisply. “Because I think I know where they are.”
She set out across the pavement towards the reception center and after a few moments the two men followed. It was almost night now, a few minutes before five. The buildings glowed with light.
Jodi stepped through the front door and marched behind the reception desk.
“I don’t think Bonnie is on duty now,” said Ricky. He really didn’t want to face boss’s daughter right then.
Jodi ignored him. She banged loudly on the door marked “Office”.
She folded her arms, waited a few moments, and banged again.
“Answer the door Bonnie,” she called. “You got visitors!”
Another minute passed. Jaime moved restlessly on her father’s shoulder. Jodi had her fist raised to try again when the door swung open.
Bonnie, looking more curvaceous than ever in a pair of tight jeans and a startlingly low sweater, blinked in surprise.
“My goodness!” she breathed. “How nice to see you Ricky, you should have called and let me know you were coming! And Reverend. dear little foster girl.” Her gaze moved to Jodi. “And why am I not surprised to see you, Jodi Ruskin?”
Bonnie turned back to Ricky. She fluttered her impressive eyelashes. “And what can I do for you folks? Sorry but reception is closed for the night. I’m just catching up on some work.”