A little giggle escapes her when I echo her words, and I am enchanted. “You…how are you so perfect?” The moment the blurted words escape me, I feel foolish. My ears grow hot. Here I am, showering her with compliments and I know nothing about her. I do not know her honorifics. I do not know who her people are or where she comes from, and these are all things I must find out. Instead, I am going on and on about how gorgeous she is. It is just…I have never seen something as lovely as her, and my thoughts are addled. I clear my throat and try to hide my awe. “Are all your people made like you?”
Tia makes another string of sounds and gives her mane a playful little toss. Then, her expression sobers and she holds her hands out, reaching for mine. “Remmeb,” she tries, her expression earnest. “Yes?”
“Rem’eb,” I agree, noting that she has dropped my honorific, as if we are close companions. It feels so very right. “Tia.”
When I extend my hand she clasps it into her waiting ones. “Tia go,” she says, emphasizing each syllable, and then frees one hand to point at the door. She points at herself again, her gaze matching mine. “Tia go.”
Already she wants to leave. I understand, even though I cannot help but feel crushing disappointment, and an odd sense of covetousness. “Not yet. It is not safe. My father the chief has you guarded. I will help you leave, but now is not the time.”
Tia looks disappointed, dropping my hand. “Oh.”
Her dismay crushes me. “I swear I will fix this for you. Trust in me, Tia.”
“Sif ihav achoyce?” She manages a little smile. “S’ R’jaal hokay?”
“I will make this stay for you as comfortable as I can, and then I will help you leave.” I lower my voice so my father’s men outside do not hear me. “But for now, you must stay here until I formulate a plan.”
“Wabout R’jaal?” she asks again, a question in her voice. She gestures above her head, and flicks her hand behind her hips. “R’jaal?”
I glance behind her to see what she is gesturing at.
Tia sighs.
Another little sound of disappointment. I strain my thoughts, desperate to understand, desperate to figure out what she is so upset about. It must be the severe state of her quarters. That she has been given nothing for her comfort. If she is not a prisoner, why do we treat her like one? I get angrier the longer I gaze at her surroundings. “I am going to fix this,” I tell her. “I cannot help you leave just yet, but I will ensure you are comfortable. Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
She nods, her expression guarded.
“I will bring you things. Wait here.” At her chirp of a laugh, I realize what I’ve said. “My apologies. You know what I meant. I just…cannot think straight around you. I will return soon.”
Maybe showering her with comforts will ease some of the shame I feel at her captivity.
All I know is that I am not ready to let her go just yet.
Idon’t know what to think.
I’ve just met my first alien stranger—a people I didn’t even know existed—and he’s clearly smitten with me. He touched his heart so many times, as if he had to double-check to see if he was resonating or not. It should have been laughable.
Maybe it would have been if I wasn’t feeling the same way.
The air between us definitely felt charged. The longer I looked at him, the more I liked his features. The hard planes of his face, the nobility in his brow, the intelligent eyes, the attractive mouth. I’m not as keen on the fierce-sounding name, but maybe it means something else to his people. Whatever it is…he’s been nicer to me than whoever kidnapped me.
Rem’eb has left me with the lamp, at least. He promised to return, but I can’t count on that. I set the lamp on the ground and put my ear to the door, hearing the movements of someone outside but no conversation. A guard, if Rem’eb is to be believed. I retreat back from the door and sit down by the light, crossing my legs, and I think.
Rem’eb must not have been the one that stole me. It was clear from the astonishment on his face as he looked at me that he’d never seen me before. It doesn’t answer the question of where R’jaal is, though, or why he’s not here with me. That part of things feels more than a little sinister. Unless they left him in the fruit cave? I wish I had answers.
I wish I could speak clearly to Rem’eb. I remember Georgie’s stories of how difficult it was to communicate with Vektal when they’d first met, and Rukh and Harlow had the same situation. I thought they were charming stories, a cute little anecdote to their relationship. Now I’m realizing just what a boon the language-translator chip is…and what a pain in the ass it is to know that Rem’eb doesn’t have one.
He’s clearly not from Icehome Beach. Clearly living here…wherever here is.
I touch between my breasts, just to make sure I’m not resonating either. It feels like something I should know automatically, but I’ve also never experienced this sort of sensation when flirting with the others back at Icehome. It’s like I’m anticipating Christmas, or an orgasm. Or both. Which makes it doubly weird since we just met each other.
If this isn’t the start of resonance, what is?